All Ballards Farm Road
Ref | Status | Building | Street | Narrative | Notes | |
23/00954/HSE | Decided Refused / Appeal Dismissed | 9 |
Ballards Farm Road |
Alterations including erection of a part single, part two storey extension and loft conversion including roof extensions, increase in ridge height and installation of three rooflights. | Map | |
L5240/D/23/ 3332317 | Decided Dismissed | 9 |
Ballards Farm Road |
<Not provided> | Appeal, Map | |
24/01221/HSE | Decided Granted | 9 |
Ballards Farm Road |
Erection of a part single, part two storey side extension. | Map | |
22/00358/HSE | Decided Granted | 13 |
Ballards Farm Road |
Erection of single-storey side and rear extension and stair from basement to ground floor. | Map | |
22/00361/HSE | Decided Withdrawn | 13 |
Ballards Farm Road |
Roof Alteration to facilitate First Floor Dormer Extension | Map | |
22/00364/LP | Decided Lawful-Accepted | 13 |
Ballards Farm Road |
Roof alterations to facilitate First Floor Dormer Extension. | Map | |
22/03766/DISC | Decided Granted | Green Valley Apartments 3 |
Ballards Farm Road |
Discharge of Condition 5 (Landscaping) attached to PP 18/06067/FUL for the demolition of existing building (3 Ballards Farm Road). Erection of a five storey building (two storey fronting Ballards Farm Road with basement levels) comprising 7 flats with creation of new access off Croham Valley Road, parking areas, refuse storage and landscaping | Map | |
23/01257/HSE | Decided Refused | Roselea Cottage |
Ballards Farm Road |
Erection of outbuilding in the garden for use as a one bedroom granny annexe. | Map | |
22/02064/FUL | Decided N/A / Appeal Dismissed | Underwood |
Ballards Farm Road |
The construction of nine self-contained homes, together with landscaping, boundary treatments, car parking, cycle parking and bin storage. | Map | |
22/02531/FUL | Decided N/A / Appeal Dismissed | Underwood |
Ballards Farm Road |
Construction of three part two, part three storey self-contained dwellinghouses, with associated landscaping, boundary treatments, car parking, cycle parking, and bin storage, and other alterations. | Map | |
22/03281/FUL | Decided N/A / Appeal Dismissed | Underwood |
Ballards Farm Road |
The erection of single storey side and rear extension, two storey front extension to create four self-contained residential units, together with landscaping, boundary treatments, car parking, cycle parking and bin storage. | Map | |
L5240/W/23/ 3314571 | Decided Dismissed | Land at Underwood |
Ballards Farm Road |
<Not provided> | Appeal, Map | |
L5240/W/23/ 3314810 | Decided Dismissed | Land at Underwood |
Ballards Farm Road |
<Not provided> | Appeal, Map | |
L5240/W/23/ 3315126 | Decided Dismissed | Underwood |
Ballards Farm Road |
<Not provided> | Appeal, Map |