All The Gallop

Ref Status Building Street Narrative Notes
21/00816/FUL Decided Granted
6 - 8
The Gallop
Demolition of existing pair of bungalows and replacement with 9 dwelling houses. Formation of vehicular access to the front of the site. Map
22/01491/DISC Decided Granted
6 - 8
The Gallop
Approval of details reserved by condition number 5 (Construction Logistics Plan) attached to planning permission ref. 21/00816/FUL (Demolition of existing pair of bungalows and replacement with 9 dwelling houses; formation of vehicular access to the front of the site). Map
22/02225/DISC Decided Granted
6 - 8
The Gallop
Discharge of condition numbers 6 (biodiversity), 7 (landscaping), 9 (materials) and 11 (drainage strategy) attached to planning permission ref. 21/00816/FUL (Demolition of existing pair of bungalows and replacement with 9 dwelling houses. Formation of vehicular access to the front of the site). Map
22/03581/DISC Decided Granted
Development Site Former Site Of 6 -
The Gallop
Discharge of condition number 8 (badger license) attached to planning permission ref. 21/00816/FUL (Demolition of existing pair of bungalows and replacement with 9 dwelling houses. Formation of vehicular access to the front of the site). Map
23/00925/DISC Decided Granted
6 - 8
The Gallop
Discharge of condition numbers 10 (Visibility Splays, EVCP's and External Lighting) and 13 (Waste Management) attached to planning permission ref. 21/00816/FUL (Demolition of existing pair of bungalows and replacement with 9 dwelling houses. Formation of vehicular access to the front of the site). Map
20/02360/NMA Decided Lawful-Refused
The Gallop
Non-material amendment to planning permission ref. 17/00322/FUL for the erection of first floor side extension. Map
21/00688/HSE Decided Refused
The Gallop
Erection of two storey rear extension, single storey rear and side extension, dormer extension, front porch, rooflights, removal of chimney. Map
21/03211/HSE Decided Granted
The Gallop
Erection of a single storey rear and side extension and loft conversion including the erection of a rear dormer and two rooflights to the rear roofslope and three rooflights to the front roofslope. Map
22/04511/GPDO Decided Granted
The Gallop
Erection of a single storey rear extension projecting out 6 metres from the rear wall of the original house with a height to the eaves of 3 metres and a maximum overall height of 3 metres Map
22/04255/FUL Decided Granted
The Gallop
Partial demolition and extension of existing bungalow, upwards and to the side and rear to create 1 x 2 bedroom dwelling and 1 x 3 bedroom dwelling, associated landscaping, car parking and refuse storage Map
22/04256/FUL Decided Refused
The Gallop
Partial demolition and extension of existing bungalow, upwards and to the side and rear to create 1 x 3 bedroom dwelling and 1 x 5 bedroom dwelling, associated landscaping, car parking and refuse storage Map
22/04265/GPDO Decided Granted
The Gallop
Notification for prior approval under the GPDO 2015 under Class AA for an upwards extension of one storey to a dwellinghouse Map
23/01932/DISC Decided Granted
The Gallop
Discharge of condition 5 (Refuse and Cycle details) attached to planning permission ref. 22/04255/FUL (Partial demolition and extension of existing bungalow, upwards and to the side and rear to create 1 x 2 bedroom dwelling and 1 x 3 bedroom dwelling, associated landscaping, car parking and refuse storage) Map
23/01933/DISC Decided Granted
The Gallop
Discharge of condition 6 (Soft Landscaping, Boundary treatments & Biodiversity Enhancements) attached to planning permission ref. 22/04255/FUL (Partial demolition and extension of existing bungalow, upwards and to the side and rear to create 1 x 2 bedroom dwelling and 1 x 3 bedroom dwelling, associated landscaping, car parking and refuse storage) Map
23/02041/DISC Decided Granted
The Gallop
Discharge of condition 3 (Construction Logistics Plan) attached to planning permission ref. 22/04255/FUL (Partial demolition and extension of existing bungalow, upwards and to the side and rear to create 1 x 2 bedroom dwelling and 1 x 3 bedroom dwelling, associated landscaping, car parking and refuse storage) Map
23/02106/DISC Decided Granted
The Gallop
Discharge of Condition 4 (Materials) attached to planning permission ref. 22/04255/FUL (Partial demolition and extension of existing bungalow, upwards and to the side and rear to create 1 x 2 bedroom dwelling and 1 x 3 bedroom dwelling, associated landscaping, car parking and refuse storage) Map
23/02190/DISC Decided Granted
The Gallop
Discharge of condition 7 (SuDS) attached to planning permission ref. 22/04255/FUL (Partial demolition and extension of existing bungalow, upwards and to the side and rear to create 1 x 2 bedroom dwelling and 1 x 3 bedroom dwelling, associated landscaping, car parking and refuse storage) Map
23/02472/FUL Decided Granted
The Gallop
Partial demolition and extension of existing bungalow, upwards and to the side and rear to create 1 x 3 bedroom dwelling and 1 x 5 bedroom dwelling, associated landscaping, car parking and refuse storage Map
23/04038/DISC Decided Granted
The Gallop
Discharge of Condition 3 (CLP), Condition 4 (Materials), Condition 5 (Refuse and cycle storage), Condition 6 (Landscape details) and Condition 7 (SuDS) attached to planning permission 23/02472/FUL (Partial demolition and extension of existing bungalow, upwards and to the side and rear to create 1 x 3 bedroom dwelling and 1 x 5 bedroom dwelling, associated landscaping, car parking and refuse storage) Map
24/00891/NMA Decided Granted
The Gallop
Removal of the rooflights serving the living/kitchen/dining spaces. Shifting the flank windows slightly to allow a better internal layout. Re-design of the front step to comply with current Building regs. Map
24/02094/DISC Decided Lawful-Refused
The Gallop
Discharge of Condition 10 (electric vehicle charging points) and Condition 11 (external energy generation measures) attached to planning permission 23/02472/FUL for the 'Partial demolition and extension of existing bungalow, upwards and to the side and rear to create 1 x 3 bedroom dwelling and 1 x 5 bedroom dwelling, associated landscaping, car parking and refuse storage' Map
24/03215/DISC Decided Granted
The Gallop
Details pursuant to Condition 10 (electric vehicle charging points) and Condition 11 (external energy generation measures) attached to planning permission 23/02472/FUL for the 'Partial demolition and extension of existing bungalow, upwards and to the side and rear to create 1 x 3 bedroom dwelling and 1 x 5 bedroom dwelling, associated landscaping, car parking and refuse storage' Map