All Devonshire Way
Ref | Status | Building | Street | Narrative | Notes | |
22/05054/PRE | Decided | 1A |
Devonshire Way |
Side and rear extension, loft conversion and internal refiguration. | Map | |
23/00742/PRE | Decided | 1A |
Devonshire Way |
Erection of two-storey side and rear extension following demolition of existing garage and front bay windows. Erection of a hip-to-gable loft extension and associated internal refiguration. | Map | |
23/02925/FUL | Decided Refused | 1A |
Devonshire Way |
Demolition of existing house and erection of a replacement dwelling. | Map | |
23/04074/HSE | Decided Refused | 1A |
Devonshire Way |
Erection of two-storey side and rear extension following refiguration of the garage. Loft conversion and installation of rooflights. | Map | |
24/00956/HSE | Decided Granted | 1A |
Devonshire Way |
Erection of two-storey side and rear extension following refiguration of the garage, loft conversion and installation of rooflights, and all associated works. | Map | |
18/03336/HSE | Decided Refused / Appeal Allowed | 10 |
Devonshire Way |
Retention of front porch and front walls | Map | |
L5240/D/18/ 3216972 | Decided Allowed | 10 |
Devonshire Way |
20/02874/HSE | Decided Refused | 14 |
Devonshire Way |
Construction of an outbuilding to the rear garden incidental to the main dwellinghouse and hard standing around the structure. | Map | |
21/02025/HSE | Decided Refused | 14 |
Devonshire Way |
Proposed single storey rear outbuilding ancillary to No.14 Devonshire Way, Croydon. | Map | |
23/04405/FUL | Decided Withdrawn | 14 |
Devonshire Way |
Erection of a replacement dwelling and single-storey rear extension; landscaping and associated works. | Map | |
21/05844/HSE | Decided Granted | 24 |
Devonshire Way |
Erection of two storey side extension and single storey rear extension | Map | |
21/05193/HSE | Decided Refused | 27 |
Devonshire Way |
Alterations and two-storey side extension | Map | |
22/01500/HSE | Decided Refused | 27 |
Devonshire Way |
Erection of two-storey side extension and garage conversion into habitable room with associated works | Map | |
19/00031/HSE | Decided Granted | 29 |
Devonshire Way |
Erection of a single storey rear extension. | Map | |
19/02221/GPDO | Decided Withdrawn | 29 |
Devonshire Way |
Erection of single storey rear extension projecting out 7 metres with a maximum height of 3.2 metres | Map | |
19/02455/GPDO | Decided Lawful-Accepted | 29 |
Devonshire Way |
Erection of single storey rear extension projecting out 7 metres with a maximum height of 2.982 metres | Map | |
23/00188/HSE | Decided Refused | 38 |
Devonshire Way |
Erection of single-storey rear extension to existing garage. | Map | |
23/01427/HSE | Decided Granted | 38 |
Devonshire Way |
Erection of single-storey rear extension to existing garage. | Map | |
19/04890/LP | Decided Lawful-Refused | 43 |
Devonshire Way |
Rear dormer with Juliet balcony and 2x front roof lights to allow for a loft conversion. | Map | |
19/04891/HSE | Decided Granted | 43 |
Devonshire Way |
Erection of a single-storey rear extension with projecting skylight. | Map | |
20/00141/LP | Decided Lawful-Accepted | 43 |
Devonshire Way |
Erection of a rear dormer with Juliet balcony and installation of two rooflights to the front roof slope. | Map | |
23/01842/HSE | Decided Granted | 49 |
Devonshire Way |
Erection of a single storey rear extension following the demolition of existing lean to | Map | |
24/03445/HSE | Pending Decision | 60 |
Devonshire Way |
Erection of single/two-storey rear and side extension and all associated works | Decision deadline 26/12/2024, Map | |
23/03105/HSE | Decided Refused / Appeal Rejected | 62 |
Devonshire Way |
Erection of single-storey front extension. Erection of additional hipped roof over existing first floor side extension. Erection of a rear dormer with 3 rooflights to the front slope. | Map | |
24/00127/HSE | Decided Granted | 62 |
Devonshire Way |
Erection of single-storey front extension; hipped roof extension over existing flat roof two storey side element; rear dormer extension; and 4no. x rooflights on front and side. | Map | |
L5240/D/24/ 3337177 | Decided Allowed | 62 |
Devonshire Way |
<Not provided> | Appeal, Map | |
22/01812/HSE | Decided Granted | 71 |
Devonshire Way |
Erection of first floor rear extension, hip to gable extension and rear box dormer with associated works | Map | |
20/00689/HSE | Decided Refused | 104 |
Devonshire Way |
Alterations, erection of a two storey side and single storey rear extension, rear dormer and single storey outbuilding to rear garden | Map | |
20/05978/HSE | Decided Refused | 104 |
Devonshire Way |
Proposed two storey side and single storey rear extension, loft conversion including rear dormer. Single storey outbuilding in the rear garden. | Map | |
21/01440/GPDO | Decided Lawful-Accepted | 104 |
Devonshire Way |
Erection of a single storey rear extension projecting out 4 metres from the rear wall of the original house with a height to the eaves of 3 metres and a maximum height of 3.4 metres | Map | |
22/01068/HSE | Decided Refused / Appeal Dismissed | 104 |
Devonshire Way |
Erection of single-storey front extension. Erection of two-storey side extension and part rear. | Map | |
22/01069/HSE | Decided Refused / Appeal Allowed | 104 |
Devonshire Way |
Erection of single storey front, side and rear extension. | Map | |
L5240/D/22/ 3302522 | Decided Dismissed | 104 |
Devonshire Way |
<Not provided> | Appeal, Map | |
L5240/D/22/ 3302523 | Decided Allowed | 104 |
Devonshire Way |
<Not provided> | Appeal, Map | |
22/03603/HSE | Decided Granted | 104 |
Devonshire Way |
Erection of single storey rear and side extension | Map | |
21/00699/HSE | Decided Refused / Appeal Dismissed | 125 |
Devonshire Way |
Demolition of existing side garage and utility room and erection of two-storey side extension and extension of existing raised patio/ deck area. | Map | |
L5240/D/21/ 3277836 | Decided Dismissed | 125 |
Devonshire Way |
<not provided> | Appeal, Map | |
22/00218/LP | Decided Lawful-Accepted | 125 |
Devonshire Way |
Erection of hip to gable and rear dormer roof extensions and installation of 3 rooflights on the front slope. | Map | |
22/03226/HSE | Decided Refused | 125 |
Devonshire Way |
Erection of two storey side extension with two front rooflights and a rear dormer following demolition of existing garage. Erection of part 1/2 storey rear extension. Construction of rear patio area. | Map | |
22/04388/HSE | Decided Granted | 125 |
Devonshire Way |
Erection of two storey side extension and a rear dormer following demolition of existing garage. Erection of part 1/2 storey rear extension. Construction of rear patio area. | Map | |
21/06200/HSE | Decided Granted | 136 |
Devonshire Way |
Erection of a part two, part single-storey side and rear extensions, increase in the height of existing roof to create space in the loft and associated internal changes. | Map | |
22/01956/HSE | Decided Granted | 175 |
Devonshire Way |
Demolition of existing rear and side extensions. Garage conversion into habitable room. Erection of front porch and single storey rear and side wrap around extension with associated works. | Map | |
22/01974/LP | Decided Lawful-Accepted | 175 |
Devonshire Way |
Loft conversion with erection of hip to gable extension and rear box dormer and insertion of rooflights to front roofslope | Map | |
23/01526/HSE | Decided Refused | 175 |
Devonshire Way |
Demolition of existing rear and side extensions. Garage conversion into habitable room. Erection of front porch and single storey rear and side wrap around extension with associated works. | Map | |
23/04162/HSE | Decided Granted | 175 |
Devonshire Way |
Erection of porch, rear and side wraparound extension with raised patio, fencing and associated works following demolition of existing garage, side and rear extensions. Conversion of garage to habitable room. | Map | |
22/02426/HSE | Decided Granted | 193 |
Devonshire Way |
Erection of single-storey side and rear extension following demolition of existing garage. | Map | |
21/04754/HSE | Decided Granted | 194 |
Devonshire Way |
Alterations to the dwelling to include the erection of a porch extension to the front elevation. | Map | |
23/01282/HSE | Decided Granted | 201 |
Devonshire Way |
Erection of two-storey side extension following garage conversion. Erection of single-storey front and rear extension. Relocation of main entrance door from side to front. | Map | |
21/01809/HSE | Decided Granted | 206 |
Devonshire Way |
Alterations, erection of a single storey wrap around front, side and rear extension | Map | |
19/04808/HSE | Decided Refused | 209 |
Devonshire Way |
Alterations, erection of a single storey rear extension. | Map | |
19/05842/HSE | Decided Granted | 209 |
Devonshire Way |
Single storey side and rear extension. | Map | |
20/01631/HSE | Decided Granted | 209 |
Devonshire Way |
Single storey side and rear extension. | Map | |
24/01796/LP | Decided Lawful-Accepted | 209 |
Devonshire Way |
Erection of hip to gable and rear dormer, provision of 2 rooflights in front roofslope and 1 side window at gable end. | Map |