All Shirley Way
Ref | Status | Building | Street | Narrative | Notes | |
24/02113/HSE | Decided Granted | 2 |
Shirley Way |
Alterations, erection of a single storey rear extension, increase in height of existing single storey side extension, first floor side extension, roof extension including loft conversion and roof lights | Map | |
24/02114/LP | Decided Lawful-Accepted | 2 |
Shirley Way |
Certificate of lawfulness for the demolition of existing garage and erection of an outbuilding | Map | |
24/03786/HSE | Decided Granted | 2 |
Shirley Way |
Alterations, demolition of existing rear extension, erection of a single storey rear extension, increase in height of existing single storey side extension, first floor side extension, roof extension including loft conversion and roof lights | Map | |
20/02122/LP | Decided Lawful-Accepted | 7 |
Shirley Way |
Erection of two outbuildings to the rear of the property for use as a private gymnasium and external storage. | Map | |
23/02794/HSE | Decided Granted | 14 |
Shirley Way |
Erection of part one/two storey rear extension. | Map | |
21/03008/HSE | Decided Granted | 16 |
Shirley Way |
Alterations, erection of a two storey side and rear extension | Map | |
21/03020/LP | Decided Lawful-Accepted | 16 |
Shirley Way |
Alterations, erection of a hip-to-gable roof extension and rear dormer | Map | |
22/03684/FUL | Decided Refused / Appeal Dismissed | 19 |
Shirley Way |
Erection of two-storey three-bedroom detached house on land to the rear of No. 19 Shirley Way, including new vehicular access and crossover from East Way, landscaping, boundary treatments, car parking, cycle parking and bin storage and all associated site works | Map | |
L5240/W/23/ 3314480 | Decided Dismissed | 19 |
Shirley Way |
<Not provided> | Appeal, Map | |
20/00127/CONR | Decided Withdrawn | 52 |
Shirley Way |
Variation of condition 1 (drawing numbers) attached to permission 17/05989/HSE - Demolition and erection of single/two storey side extension and single storey rear extension | Map | |
20/01546/HSE | Decided Granted | 52 |
Shirley Way |
Demolition and erection of a two storey side extension and single storey rear extension | Map | |
20/04380/LP | Decided Lawful-Accepted | 59 |
Shirley Way |
Installation of roof lights on front roof slope, erection of gable roof extension and dormer extension on the rear roof slope | Map | |
21/00301/DISC | Decided Granted | 69 |
Shirley Way |
Discharge of Condition 9 (emissions) attached to planning permission ref. 18/00981/FUL for erection of single storey detached dwelling to rear fronting Temple Avenue. | Map | |
23/01834/HSE | Decided Granted | 75 |
Shirley Way |
Erection of single-storey rear and side extension following garage conversion. | Map | |
22/01360/FUL | Decided Refused | 95 |
Shirley Way |
Erection of a dwellinghouse in the rear garden, with associated car parking, landscaping and refuse storage. | Map | |
23/01278/HSE | Decided Granted | 99 |
Shirley Way |
Erection of first floor side extension. Alteration to garage door. | Map | |
20/01500/LP | Decided Lawful-Accepted | 107 |
Shirley Way |
Hip-to-gable roof extension, rear dormer window and front rooflight. | Map | |
21/03613/HSE | Decided Granted | 115 |
Shirley Way |
Demolition of existing conservatory , erection of a single storey rear and side extension and garage conversion into habitable room | Map | |
22/00075/HSE | Decided Granted | 120 |
Shirley Way |
Erection of two storey rear extension and conversion of the garage to a habitable space. | Map | |
22/00098/LP | Decided Lawful-Accepted | 120 |
Shirley Way |
Erection of hip to gable and rear dormer roof extensions and installation of 3 rooflight on the front slope. Erection of an outbuilding. | Map | |
21/06061/HSE | Decided Granted | 133 |
Shirley Way |
Erection of single-storey rear/side extension following demolition of conservatory. Conversion of garage to habitable room. | Map | |
22/02425/HSE | Decided Granted | 140 |
Shirley Way |
Erection of single-storey rear and side extension following demolition of existing extension and garage. | Map | |
21/05924/GPDO | Decided Refused | 142 |
Shirley Way |
Erection of a single storey rear extension projecting out 4.8 metres from the rear wall of the original house with a height to the eaves of 2.3 metres and a maximum height of 3.2 metres | Map | |
23/04272/LP | Decided Lawful-Accepted | 145 |
Shirley Way |
Conversion of existing garage to habitable space. Replacement of existing garage door with a window. Removal of one door to side elevation. | Map |