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Spring Park Residents' Association



All Wickham Road

Ref Status Building Street Narrative Notes
L5240/W/20/ 3261313 Decided
Wickham Road
Demolition of garage and construction of new chalet bungalow dwelling fronting West Way Gardens Appeal, Map
23/00118/FUL Decided Granted
Wickham Road
Erection of single storey front/side/rear extension incorporating existing garage, for use as additional consultation room and office space. Map
20/02356/FUL Decided Granted
Wickham Road
Alterations; conversion of single dwelling to form 1x 3bed flat, 1x 1bed flat and 1x studio flat, erection of single-storey rear extension, hip to gable end, rear dormer, front dormer, installation of 2 rooflights in front roofslope and 2 windows in side elevation. Map
20/02361/GPDO Decided Lawful-Accepted
Wickham Road
Erection of a single storey rear extension projecting out 6 metres from the rear wall of the original house with a height to the eaves of 3 metres and a maximum overall height of 3 metres Map
20/04358/DISC Decided Lawful-Refused
Wickham Road
Discharge of Condition 5 (Refuse/Cycle Parking) attached to planning permission ref. 20/02356/FUL for Alterations; conversion of single dwelling to form 1x 3bed flat, 1x 1bed flat and 1x studio flat, erection of single-storey rear extension, hip to gable end, rear dormer, front dormer, installation of 2 rooflights in front roofslope and 2 windows in side elevation. Map
20/06499/CONR Decided Granted
Wickham Road
Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) and condition 3 (materials) of planning permission 20/02356/FUL for alterations, conversion of single dwelling to form 1x 3bed flat, 1x 1bed flat and 1x studio flat, erection of single-storey rear extension, hip to gable end, rear dormer, front dormer, installation of 2 rooflights in front roofslope and 2 windows in side elevation. Map
21/01349/DISC Decided Granted
Wickham Road
Discharge of Condition 5 (Refuse/Cycle Parking) attached to planning permission ref. 20/02356/FUL for Alterations; conversion of single dwelling to form 1x 3bed flat, 1x 1bed flat and 1x studio flat, erection of single-storey rear extension, hip to gable end, rear dormer, front dormer, installation of 2 rooflights in front roofslope and 2 windows in side elevation. Map
23/03877/LP Decided Lawful-Accepted
Wickham Road
Change of use from a dwellinghouse (Use Class C3) to a childrens home (Use Class C2) for 3 young people and 2 staff/carers Map
21/02162/HSE Decided Granted
17 Devonshire Way Croydon
Wickham Road
Alterations including the erection of a single storey rear extension including raised patio. Map
19/04136/OUT Decided Granted
Wickham Road
Demolition of existing dwellinghouse. Erection of a 3/4 storey building comprising 9 flats, creation of vehicular access and parking area, cycle and refuse storage and amenity space including roof garden Map
20/03958/DISC Decided Granted
Wickham Road
Details pursuant to the discharge of condition 3 (tree protection) of planning permission 19/04136/OUT for 'Demolition of existing dwellinghouse. Erection of a 3/4 storey building comprising 9 flats, creation of vehicular access and parking area, cycle and refuse storage and amenity space including roof garden' Map
20/03979/DISC Decided Granted
Wickham Road
Details pursuant to the discharge of condition 4 (CLP) of planning permission 19/04136/OUT for 'Demolition of existing dwellinghouse. Erection of a 3/4 storey building comprising 9 flats, creation of vehicular access and parking area, cycle and refuse storage and amenity space including roof garden' Map
20/04035/DISC Decided Granted
Wickham Road
Details pursuant to the discharge of condition 5 (land levels) of outline planning permission 19/04136/OUT for 'Demolition of existing dwellinghouse. Erection of a 3/4 storey building comprising 9 flats, creation of vehicular access and parking area, cycle and refuse storage and amenity space including roof garden' Map
20/04036/DISC Decided Granted
Wickham Road
Details pursuant to the discharge of condition 6 (visibility splays) of outline planning permission 19/04136/OUT for 'Demolition of existing dwellinghouse. Erection of a 3/4 storey building comprising 9 flats, creation of vehicular access and parking area, cycle and refuse storage and amenity space including roof garden' Map
20/04102/DISC Decided Granted
Wickham Road
Details pursuant to the discharge of condition 7 (materials) of planning permission 19/04136/OUT for 'Demolition of existing dwellinghouse. Erection of a 3/4 storey building comprising 9 flats, creation of vehicular access and parking area, cycle and refuse storage and amenity space including roof garden' Map
20/04151/DISC Decided Granted
Wickham Road
Details pursuant to the discharge of Condition 8 (landscaping) of planning permission 19/04136/OUT for 'Demolition of existing dwellinghouse. Erection of a 3/4 storey building comprising 9 flats, creation of vehicular access and parking area, cycle and refuse storage and amenity space including roof garden' Map
20/04174/DISC Decided Withdrawn
Wickham Road
Details relating to condition 12 (accessibility) of planning permission 19/04136/OUT for 'Demolition of existing dwellinghouse. Erection of a 3/4 storey building comprising 9 flats, creation of vehicular access and parking area, cycle and refuse storage and amenity space including roof garden' Map
20/04336/RSM Decided Lawful-Refused
Wickham Road
Reserved matters relating to landscaping attached to approved application 19/04136/OUT for the 'Demolition of existing dwellinghouse. Erection of a 3/4 storey building comprising 9 flats, creation of vehicular access and parking area, cycle and refuse storage and amenity space including roof garden' Map
20/05290/DISC Decided Granted
Wickham Road
Details pursuant to the discharge of condition 15 (energy) attached to outline planning permission 19/04136/OUT for 'Demolition of existing dwellinghouse. Erection of a 3/4 storey building comprising 9 flats, creation of vehicular access and parking area, cycle and refuse storage and amenity space including roof garden' Map
20/05291/DISC Decided Granted
Wickham Road
Details pursuant to the discharge of condition 16 (water use) attached to outline planning permission 19/04136/OUT for 'Demolition of existing dwellinghouse. Erection of a 3/4 storey building comprising 9 flats, creation of vehicular access and parking area, cycle and refuse storage and amenity space including roof garden' Map
20/06333/DISC Decided Withdrawn
Wickham Road
Details pursuant to the discharge of condition 14 (SUDs) from outline planning permission 19/04136/OUT for 'Demolition of existing dwellinghouse. Erection of a 3/4 storey building comprising 9 flats, creation of vehicular access and parking area, cycle and refuse storage and amenity space including roof garden' Map
21/01739/RSM Decided Granted
Wickham Road
Reserved matters relating to landscaping attached to approved application 19/04136/OUT for the 'Demolition of existing dwellinghouse. Erection of a 3/4 storey building comprising 9 flats, creation of vehicular access and parking area, cycle and refuse storage and amenity space including roof garden' Map
22/02302/HSE Decided Refused
Wickham Road
Alterations to front garden to include hardstanding and formation of vehicular access; installation of vehicular and pedestrian gates to front boundary. Map
21/01245/HSE Decided Refused
Wickham Road
Construction of dormer to the front roof slope and rear 'L' shapped roof extension. Map
23/01799/LP Decided Lawful-Accepted
Wickham Road
Internal alterations; use of existing dry-cleaners as a restaurant within Use Class E Map
23/01832/HSE Decided Granted
Wickham Road
Replacement of a larger rear dormer with internal alterations. Map
23/01798/LP Decided Lawful-Accepted
Wickham Road
Change of use from fireplace shop (Class E(a)) to restaurant (Class E(b)) Map
23/01375/FUL Decided Granted
Wickham Road
Retrospective planning application for retention of single storey rear extension Map
23/01467/FUL Decided Refused
Wickham Road
Retrospective application for retention of shutter box Map
23/01469/FUL Decided Granted
Wickham Road
Retrospective application for installation of air conditioning unit Map
23/04214/ADV Decided Granted
Wickham Road
Retrospective application for installation of 1 fascia sign board and 1 hanging sign board Map
Wickham Road
Discharge of Condition 3 (Drainage) attached to permission 23/01375/FUL for Retrospective planning application for retention of single storey rear extension Decision deadline 22/03/2025, Map
21/00366/FUL Decided Granted
Wickham Road
Rear dormer roof extension and installation of velux rooflights to provide an extension to the existing first floor flat Map
21/00132/HSE Decided Granted
Wickham Road
Erection of a first floor side extension Map
23/04313/FUL Decided Refused
250 And 250A
Wickham Road
Erection of dormer and mansard extensions to the rear of the existing building together with balcony and privacy screening. Conversion of existing 3-storey maisonette to 2 x 1-bed flats including internal alterations to create a cycle store. Alterations to fenestration. Map
23/04325/FUL Decided Granted
Wickham Road
Erection of single-storey side return extension to office. Map
Decided Granted
Wickham Road
Erection of rear mansard extension; rear dormer window; rooflight on mansard; construction of a balcony over the existing two storey rear element along with privacy screening; changes to front and rear fenestration, new window on side of two storey element at first floor; with reconfiguration of internal layout; and associated works (Retrospective). Map
23/02038/FUL Decided Granted
Wickham Road
Change of use of ground floor shop from Beauty Salon (Sui Generis) to a Class E (Commercial, Business and Service) unit Map
21/04712/FUL Decided Granted
Wickham Road
Change of use from Minicab Office to Estate Agency (Class E). Map
22/00431/HSE Decided Refused
Wickham Road
Erection of first floor side extension. Map
22/01506/HSE Decided Granted
Wickham Road
Erection of first floor side extension. Map
21/05810/HSE Decided Refused / Appeal Dismissed
Wickham Road
Erection of a first floor rear extension Map
L5240/D/22/ 3298642 Decided Dismissed
Wickham Road
<Not provided> Appeal, Map
23/01887/HSE Decided Granted
Wickham Road
Demolition of garage and ground floor side extension. Erection of ground floor side extension and first floor rear extension with associated works. Map
24/01503/HSE Decided Granted
Wickham Road
Erection of hip-to-gable and rear dormer, provision of 4 rooflights in front roofslope and 1 rooflight in rear roofslope, internal reconfigurations and all associated works. Map
20/01638/HSE Decided Granted
Wickham Road
Erection of single storey front extension to facilitate the conversion of the garage into a habitable room. Map
20/03318/HSE Decided Granted
Wickham Road
Erection of two storey side extension and ground floor rear extension, roof lights Map
19/05360/DISC Decided Granted
Land To The Rear Of 494-496 Wickham
Wickham Road
Discharge of Condition 5 (SUDS) and 6 (flood resistance and resilience) attached to planning permission 19/03060/FUL for the erection of detached dwelling with associated parking Map
22/03158/FUL Decided Granted
574 & 576
Wickham Road
Erection of a single storey front extension to Nos. 574 & 576 Wickham Road Map
20/00876/FUL Decided Granted
Wickham Road
Erection of single storey front extension to shop front Map
20/00879/GPDO Decided Refused
Wickham Road
Notification for prior approval for change of use from A1 use (Retail) to A3 use (Restaurants and Cafe). Map
L5240/C/20/ 3263136 Decided
Wickham Road
Without planning permission the erection of a large additional single storey front extension across the frontage of 578-582. Appeal, Map
22/03398/FUL Decided Granted
Wickham Road
Erection of single storey front extension to shop front (retrospective). Map
21/05551/FUL Decided Refused / Appeal Allowed
Wickham Road
Replacement of the existing external seating area to the front with a new pergola with retractable roof. Map
22/04497/FUL Decided Refused
Wickham Road
Erection of a aluminium awning. Map
L5240/W/22/ 3302745 Decided Allowed
Wickham Road
<Not provided> Appeal, Map
20/05703/FUL Decided Granted
Wickham Road
Erection of a rear dormer window, front rooflights and extension of existing chimney flue to facilitate a loft conversion. Map
20/05952/FUL Decided Refused
Wickham Road
Conversion of the existing detached garage at the rear of the site in to 1x one-bedroom dwellinghouse and associated car parking. Map
19/06022/FUL Decided Granted
Wickham Road
Part retention of single storey rear extension (following demolition of existing rear garage) including a pergola roof for the enlargement of the existing restaurant (E Use Class) and extension of opening hours. Map
23/02818/FUL Decided Refused
Wickham Road
Proposed use of rear external yard seating as a shisha lounge/patio for use with the Cafe and shopfront alteration Map
21/02378/FUL Decided Granted
Wickham Road
Erection of an outbuildng for storage purposes at the rear of property. Map
23/00120/LE Decided Lawful-Refused
Wickham Road
To confirm that planning consent 19/02339/FUL was lawfully implemented within the 3 year time limit stated in condition 4 and as such the works can be lawfully completed. Map
23/01498/FUL Decided Granted
Wickham Road
Alterations and erection of single/two storey rear extension, rear roof dormer with balconies, installation of roof lights, conversion of first floor to create 1 x 2 bedroom flat, 1 x studio flat (Use Class C3) and increased commercial floorspace (Use Class E) associated cycle and refuse storage. Map
21/01514/LP Decided Lawful-Accepted
Wickham Road
Conversion of ancillary residential accommodation at first floor level to provide 2 x 1-bedroom self contained flats.Internal alterations comprising relocation of staircase and changes to internal walls at first floor level. Map
21/01566/GPDO Decided Refused
Wickham Road
Part change of use of the ground floor from retail (E(a) - previously Class A1) to 1 x studio flat and associated works. Map
22/01697/FUL Decided Granted
Wickham Road
Erection of extensions to outbuilding and replacement of outbuilding roof with new pitched roof with gable ends and dormer extensions to side roof slopes; use of the extended outbuilding as a two bedroom dwellinghouse with access from Oak Avenue (renewal of 19/01676/FUL permission). Map
23/03402/FUL Decided Refused / Appeal Dismissed
Wickham Road
Demolition of detached outbuilding. Erection of two storey with additional loft level 3-bedroom detached house on the land to the rear of No. 383 Wickham Road with access from Oak Avenue, including boundary treatments, car parking cycle storage and refuse bin storage and all associated site works. Map
L5240/W/24/ 3339296 Decided Dismissed
Wickham Road
<Not provided> Appeal, Map
23/03277/HSE Decided Refused
Wickham Road
Replacement of existing windows and front door Map
23/03278/LBC Decided Refused
Wickham Road
Replacement of existing windows and front door Map
23/00331/FUL Decided Granted
Builders Yard 794-796
Wickham Road
Erection of a first floor side extension to create additional residential accommodation for the existing first floor flat, installation of a new shopfront and amalgamation of existing ground floor commercial unit to create additional retail, office and staff accommodation for existing builders storage yard, installation of new door and windows to trade counter building and the creation of an external refuse and recycling store to serve the first floor flat. Map
25/00212/FUL Pending Decision
Builders Yard 794 - 796
Wickham Road
Retention of external storage racking for building materials Decision deadline 19/03/2025, Map
23/02114/FUL Decided Granted
First Floor Flat 272A
Wickham Road
Erection of a barn-hip roof extension, rear dormer extension and the installation of a sky light window in the front roof slope. Map
22/00151/FUL Decided Granted
Garage 850
Wickham Road
Change of use from Car Showroom (Sui Generis) to Retail/Storage and Distribution (Class E(a)/Class B8); elevational alterations; and the installation of 2no. storage containers Map
24/01387/PA8 Decided Refused
Grass Verge O/S 262
Wickham Road
The installation of a 18m Hutchinson Phase 8 pole, 6no. antennas, 2no. 300mm dishes, 1no. GPS Node and 4no. ground-based equipment cabinets and ancillary development thereto. Map
21/04783/PA8 Decided Refused
In Front Of 574
Wickham Road
Proposed 20.0m Phase 8 Monopole C/W wrapround Cabinet at base and associated ancillary works. Map
23/02243/DISC Decided Lawful-Refused
Longford Court 104
Wickham Road
Details pursuant to the discharge of condition 10 (Delivery and Servicing Plan) from planning permission 19/04136/OUT for 'Demolition of existing dwellinghouse. Erection of a 3/4 storey building comprising 9 flats, creation of vehicular access and parking area, cycle and refuse storage and amenity space including roof garden' Map
23/03060/DISC Decided Granted
Longford Court 104
Wickham Road
Details pursuant to the discharge of condition 10 (Delivery and Servicing Plan) from planning permission 19/04136/OUT for 'Demolition of existing dwellinghouse. Erection of a 3/4 storey building comprising 9 flats, creation of vehicular access and parking area, cycle and refuse storage and amenity space including roof garden' Map
23/04204/DISC Decided Granted
Longford Court 104
Wickham Road
Details pursuant to the discharge of condition 9 (highway works) from planning permission 19/04136/OUT for 'Demolition of existing dwellinghouse. Erection of a 3/4 storey building comprising 9 flats, creation of vehicular access and parking area, cycle and refuse storage and amenity space including roof garden' Map
Decided Granted
Pavement Opposite 572 - 574
Wickham Road
The installation of 1No. 20m 'Phase 8' monopole, 6No. antennas, 2No. 0.3m dishes, 1No. GPS Node and 4No. ground-based equipment cabinets (1No. Wraparound and 3No. others) and ancillary development thereto. Map
19/03187/FUL Decided Granted
The Shirley Inn Public House 158 Wickham
Wickham Road
Demolition of existing ancillary building at the rear, erection of a ground floor extension to provide dining and kitchen facilities, first floor rear and side extensions for ancillary staff facilities and new extract duct. Map
19/03279/FUL Decided Granted
Land R/O The Shirley Inn Public House
Wickham Road
Erection of a residential development of two detached three storey buildings comprising a total of 6 flats (2x1bed, 2x2bed, 2x3bed), provision of refuse and cycle storage, hard and soft landscaping and provision of two parking spaces Map
22/00551/HSE Decided Granted
The White House 446
Wickham Road
Erection of part 1/2 storey rear extension following demolition of existing rear extension. Map
23/02656/FUL Decided Granted
West Wickham And Shirley Baptist Church
Wickham Road
Installation of 2no. ground floor air conditioning units Map
24/00150/FUL Decided Refused
West Wickham And Shirley Baptist Church
Wickham Road
Storage and distribution unit in association with Church Map
Wickam Park House Bethlem Royal Hospital
Wickham Road
Variation of Condition 2 of planning permission 20/02865/FULL1 dated 06.10.2021 (for Demolition of existing building (Wickham Park House) and construction of a new single storey building to accommodate the National Autism Unit (Use Class C2) parking, landscaping and associated works) to allow the following amendments: Reduction in size of lightwell 1, Formation of Hub Room, Enlargement of approved.... Decision deadline 17/02/2025, Map