All Zig Zag Road

Ref Status Building Street Narrative Notes
24/02418/LP Decided Lawful-Accepted
Zig Zag Road
Conversion of the existing garage to a habitable room. Map
20/00325/FUL Decided Withdrawn
Zig Zag Road
Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of building to provide 8 residential units with associated landscaped areas, parking, vehicular access, cycle and refuse storage Map
20/06438/FUL Decided Refused
Zig Zag Road
Demolition of the existing dwelling, erection of a 3 storey building comprising 8 flats, provision of off-street parking spaces, cycle & refuse storage and associated landscaping. Map
23/00039/HSE Decided Refused / Appeal Dismissed
Zig Zag Road
Proposed ground and first floor extensions, to include raising the ridge height, and associated external works. New/alterations to the existing vehicle access and parking area, providing an additional 8 spaces. Map
L5240/D/23/ 3324097 Decided Dismissed
Zig Zag Road
<Not provided> Appeal, Map
24/01004/HSE Decided Refused / Pending Appeal
Zig Zag Road
Proposed ground and first floor extensions, to include raising the ridge height, and associated external works. Decision deadline 25/06/2024, Map
L5240/D/24/ 3352477 Pending Decision
Zig Zag Road
<Not provided> Appeal, Map
20/01159/LP Decided Lawful-Refused
Zig Zag Road
Demolition of existing conservatory and erection of a single storey rear extension. Map
20/02435/HSE Decided Granted
Zig Zag Road
Demolish existing conservatory and erect a single storey extension on the same footprint. Map
L5240/W/22/ 3303662 Decided Dismissed
The Retreat, 14
Zig Zag Road
<Not provided> Appeal, Map
22/02937/HSE Decided Granted
Oakhurst 9
Zig Zag Road
Erection of a porch with associated external and internal alterations. Map
21/04715/OUT Decided Refused / Appeal Dismissed
The Retreat 14
Zig Zag Road
Outline application for the consideration of access, layout, appearance and scale for the conversion of existing dwelling to 2 flats and the erection of a two storey front and side extension, the erection of six houses and associated car parking, cycle parking, refuse storage and landscaping, demolition of the existing garage and alterations to the site access Map
22/03642/OUT Decided Refused
The Retreat 14
Zig Zag Road
Erection of two-storey extension to existing dwelling to facilitate conversion of existing dwelling into two self-contained units. Erection of 6x three-storey 3-bedroom semi-detached dwellinghouses to the rear of the site, with associated vehicle access, vehicle and cycle parking, and refuse stores. (Access, Appearance, Layout, and Scale ONLY to be considered) Map
23/03090/FUL Decided Refused
The Retreat 14
Zig Zag Road
Alterations. Conversion of existing 3-bedroom semi-detached dwellinghouse to 1x 3-bedroom flat and 1x studio flat. Erection of a two-storey front/side extension (following demolition of existing addition). Formation of inset balcony to front elevation. Formation of additional hardstanding to front garden including provision of 3 vehicle parking spaces, cycle storage, and refuse storage. Map
23/03786/FUL Decided Granted
The Retreat 14
Zig Zag Road
Alterations. Conversion of existing 3-bedroom semi-detached dwellinghouse to 1x 3-bedroom flat and 1x studio flat. Erection of a two-storey front/side extension (following demolition of existing addition). Formation of inset balcony to front elevation. Formation of additional hardstanding to front garden including provision of 3 vehicle parking spaces, cycle storage, and refuse storage. Map
24/01877/OUT Decided Refused
The Retreat 14
Zig Zag Road
Outline application for the conversion of the existing 3-bedroom semi-detached dwellinghouse to 1x 3-bedroom flat and 1x studio flat. Erection of a two-storey front and side extension following demolition of the existing garage and alteration to the site access. Erection of 4x three-storey 4-bedroom semi-detached dwellinghouses to the rear with associated driveway, landscaping , cycle and bin stores (Access, Layout, Landscaping and Scale ONLY to be considered). Map