All Gravel Hill

Ref Status Building Street Narrative Notes
21/01384/HSE Decided Refused
Gravel Hill
Erection of a two storey side extension and single storey rear extension. Map
21/03280/HSE Decided Granted
Gravel Hill
Alterations, erection of a a two storey side extension and single storey rear extension. Map
22/03061/GPDO Decided Withdrawn
Gravel Hill
Change the use of veterinary surgery from Use Class E to Use Class C3 to form one residential unit Map
21/05773/HSE Decided Granted
Gravel Hill
Erection of single-storey rear extension. Map
24/02683/LP Decided Lawful-Accepted
Gravel Hill
Erection of single-storey rear extension Map
24/02063/HSE Decided Granted
Gravel Hill
Erection of front porch, rear extension and rear covered open patio with skylights, and conversion of existing garage into bathroom and utility room Map
20/02888/HSE Decided Refused
Gravel Hill
Demolition of rear porch and store, erection of front porch, single storey rear extension, conversion of garage into habitable accommodation, associated alterations Map
20/05230/HSE Decided Granted
Gravel Hill
Single storey rear extension and garage conversion. Map
20/05244/LP Decided Lawful-Accepted
Gravel Hill
Lawful development proposed for single storey rear extension. Map
20/05248/GPDO Decided Lawful-Accepted
Gravel Hill
Erection of a single storey rear extension projecting out 8 metres from the rear wall of the original house with a height to the eaves of 3 metres and a maximum overall height of 3 metres Map
20/06691/LP Decided Lawful-Accepted
Gravel Hill
Erection of a detached outbuilding in the rear garden for home office/study use. Map
20/05125/DISC Decided Granted
44 Coombe Road Croydon
Gravel Hill
Discharge of condition 2 - External facing materials including (a) specification material details, 2 - (b) window drawing detail with window reveals attached to application 18/03002/FUL for Alterations including alterations to land levels, erection of three storey 5 bedroom house with steps, erection of pergola and bicycle storage at rear and provision of 2 parking spaces Map
23/02423/HSE Decided Refused
Gravel Hill
Erection of first floor side/rear extension. Map
23/04710/HSE Decided Granted
Gravel Hill
Garage conversion into habitable space with a new pitched roof. Map
23/00884/HSE Decided Granted
Gravel Hill
Formation of dropped kerb to existing driveway Map
21/05710/HSE Decided Granted
Gravel Hill
Erection of a part one, part two side and rear extension Map
22/04335/HSE Decided Refused
Gravel Hill
Erection of single-storey side extension following garage conversion. Map
20/00423/LE Decided Lawful-Refused
Addington Palace
Gravel Hill
Lawful certificate for the continued use of the land as car parking in association with Addington Palace Map
20/01111/CAT Decided No Objection
Addington Palace Golf Club
Gravel Hill
Walnut Tree - Lateral reduction of 1.8m. Map
20/00997/FUL Decided Refused / Appeal Dismissed
Addington Palace
Gravel Hill
Retrospective application for the erection of entrance gates and post and chain perimeter fencing, association alterations Map
20/02763/CAT Decided No Objection
Addington Palace Golf Club House
Gravel Hill
G1: Group of self seeded Common Ash trees - Fell to ground level. Beech tree - laterally reduce the lower limbs by 2m. T2: Sycamore - Laterally reduce the overhang back to the gutter/edge of the outbuilding. Map
20/06257/CAT Decided No Objection
Addington Palace Golf Club House
Gravel Hill
G1. Consisting of two Common Ash and one Horse Chestnut tree. Reduce back, laterally to the boundary line.Trees are on the land to the rear belonging to Addington Palace golf course. Map
20/06551/CONR Decided Refused
Addington Palace
Gravel Hill
Permission is sought for the removal of Condition 1 of planning application REF: 07/00692/P and the retention of a marquee on a temporary basis until the 31st December 2023. Map
L5240/X/21/ 3268320 Decided Allowed
Addington Palace
Gravel Hill
<not provided> Appeal, Map
L5240/W/21/ 3273082 Decided Dismissed
Addington Palace
Gravel Hill
<not provided> Appeal, Map
22/01263/ADV Decided Granted
Bus Shelter Adjacent August Fields, 47 Gravel
Gravel Hill
Advertising as part of a new bus shelter. Map
20/06221/PA8 Decided Refused
Land At Coombe Lane Junction Of Gravel
Gravel Hill
The installation of a new 15.00m monopole supporting 6 no. antennas with a wrap around equipment cabinet at the base of the column and installation of 8x safety bollards. Map
21/00712/PA8 Decided Refused / Appeal Allowed
Land At Coombe Lane Junction Of Gravel
Gravel Hill
The installation of a new 15.0m column supporting 6 no antennas, together with ground-based equipment cabinets and ancillary development thereto. Map
21/00967/PDO Decided No Objection
Land At Coombe Lane Junction Of Gravel
Gravel Hill
Removal of 1no. cabinet, installation of 1no. porter cabinet measuring 1452 x 1450 x 850 mm and 1no. GPS node; ancillary development thereto. Map