All Lomond Gardens

Ref Status Building Street Narrative Notes
21/05458/HSE Decided Granted
Lomond Gardens
Alterations and extension to existing single storey side extension. Map
21/05467/LP Decided Lawful-Accepted
Lomond Gardens
Erection of two metre rear ground floor extension and enclosed front porch. Map
21/01811/LP Decided Lawful-Accepted
Lomond Gardens
Alterations, erection of a rear dormer Map
19/04768/HSE Decided Granted
Lomond Gardens
Construction of a single storey side extension and part single part two storey rear extension and single storey side extension. Map
19/04770/HSE Decided Granted
Lomond Gardens
Construction of a single storey side extension and part single part two storey rear extension and single storey side extension. Map
21/04076/TRE Decided Granted
Lomond Gardens
T1 Field Maple - 2 metres crown reduction up to 25mm cut size. T2 - Field Maple - 2 metres crown reduction up to 25mm cut size and removal of the lowest west facing lateral branch. (TPO 40,1990) Map
19/04088/HSE Decided Granted
Lomond Gardens
Erection of a single storey side/rear extension and alterations. Map
19/02416/TRE Decided Granted
Lomond Gardens
Horse Chestnut - 1.5m crown reduction. Crown lift to 3m. (TPO no. 40, 1990) Map
20/04023/TRE Decided Granted
Lomond Gardens
T1 Sycamore & T2 Beech - Crown thin both specimens by 20% (TPO no. 40, 1990) Map
23/04462/TRE Decided Granted
Lomond Gardens
G1 consisting of two Sycamore trees. Reduce by 3m in height and 2m laterally. (TPO 40, 1990) Map
24/00496/LP Decided Lawful-Accepted
Lomond Gardens
Siting of a mobile home adjacent to the southern boundary. Map