All Gladeside
Ref | Status | Building | Street | Narrative | Notes | |
20/03696/HSE | Decided Granted | 7 |
Gladeside |
Erection of a single storey outbuilding. | Map | |
22/03457/HSE | Decided Granted | 7 |
Gladeside |
Garage conversion into habitable room, Erection of single storey front extension, Alterations to fenestrations. | Map | |
22/03888/FUL | Decided Refused / Appeal Allowed | 9 - 13 |
Gladeside |
Demolition of 3no existing dwellings and the erection of 7no dwelling houses of two storey with accommodation in the roof space. 11 car parking spaces are provided including 1no accessible space plus cycle and refuse storage. | Map | |
L5240/W/23/ 3316987 | Decided Allowed | 9, 11 and 13 |
Gladeside |
<Not provided> | Appeal, Map | |
23/02734/FUL | Decided Refused | 9 - 13 |
Gladeside |
Demolition of 3no existing dwellings and the erection of 5no detached dwelling houses of two storey with accommodation in the roof space. 8 car parking spaces are provided plus cycle and refuse storage. | Map | |
19/04976/HSE | Decided Granted | 10 |
Gladeside |
Alterations and additions to the existing dwellinghouse, including installation of ramp and conversion of the garage to habitable space, infill addition between the existing garage and dwelling, internal alterations within the dwelling and the construction of a single storey rear extension. | Map | |
20/05355/FUL | Decided Granted | 13 |
Gladeside |
Alterations; demolition of existing garage and conservatory, erection of two-storey side extension and alterations to roof form, single-storey rear extension, front porch extension, 2x rear dormer extensions, installation of rooflights in front and rear roofslopes and subdivision of single dwelling to form 2x 3-bedroom dwellings. | Map | |
21/03518/FUL | Decided Refused / Appeal Dismissed | 13 |
Gladeside |
Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of a two-storey detached building with accommodation in roof space comprising 6 flats and provision of associated landscaping, car parking, refuse and cycle storage. | Map | |
23/01623/FUL | Decided Refused / Appeal Dismissed | 13 |
Gladeside |
Demolition of the existing detached dwelling and erection of 3no. dwellinghouses with parking, cycle stores and private amenity, and associated works. | Map | |
L5240/W/23/ 3317040 | Decided Dismissed | 13 |
Gladeside |
<Not provided> | Appeal, Map | |
L5240/W/23/ 3327704 | Decided Dismissed | 13 |
Gladeside |
<Not provided> | Appeal, Map | |
22/00096/FUL | Decided Granted | 26 |
Gladeside |
Erection of a two bedroom bungalow fronting Woodmere Close | Map | |
23/01395/DISC | Decided Lawful-Refused | 26 |
Gladeside |
Details pursuant to Conditions 2 (CLP) and 3 (tree portection) of planning permisison 22/00096/ful granted for Erection of a two bedroom bungalow fronting Woodmere Close. | Map | |
23/02936/DISC | Decided Granted | 26 |
Gladeside |
Details pursuant to Conditions 2 (CLP) and 3 (tree protection) of planning permission 22/00096/ful granted for Erection of a two bedroom bungalow fronting Woodmere Close. | Map | |
24/01141/DISC | Decided Lawful-Refused | 26 |
Gladeside |
Details pursuant to Condition 4 - External materials, Condition 5 - Landscaping, Condition 6 - Cyclce and refuse storage, Condition 7 - Surface water strategy of planning permisison 22/00096/FUL granted for erection of a two bedroom bungalow fronting Woodmere Close. | Map | |
24/02277/DISC | Decided Granted | 26 |
Gladeside |
Details pursuant to conditions 4 (external materials), 5 (landscaping), 6 (cycle and waste storage), 7 (drainage) of planning permission ref 22/00096/UL granted for erection of a two bedroom bungalow fronting Woodmere Close. | Map | |
19/02647/HSE | Decided Granted | 29 |
Gladeside |
Erection of single/two storey side/rear extension | Map | |
24/01751/HSE | Decided Granted | 29 |
Gladeside |
Erection of a two storey side extension following the demolition of the existing garage, and alterations to the fenestrations. | Map | |
21/01455/HSE | Decided Granted | 45 |
Gladeside |
Erection of single storey rear extension | Map | |
21/01478/GPDO | Decided Lawful-Accepted | 45 |
Gladeside |
Erection of a single storey rear extension projecting out 6 metres from the rear wall of the original house with a height to the eaves of 3 metres and a maximum height of 4 metres | Map | |
24/02573/LE | Decided Lawful-Accepted | 51 |
Gladeside |
Class C3(b) use as a dwellinghouse by not more than six residents living together as a single household where care is provided for residents. | Map | |
21/02794/FUL | Decided Refused | 65 |
Gladeside |
Formation of full width rear dormer with external access staircase to side | Map | |
21/02795/FUL | Decided Refused | 65 |
Gladeside |
Construction of single storey detached dwellinghouse with habitable roof space (following demoliton of existing outbuilding) | Map | |
23/03016/LE | Decided Lawful-Accepted | 67 |
Gladeside |
Class C3(b) use as a dwellinghouse by not more than six residents living together as a single household where care is provided for residents and insertion of one rooflight to the rear roofslope. | Map | |
24/00163/FUL | Decided Granted | 67 |
Gladeside |
Alterations including the enlargement and conversion of the existing garage for use as office space, WC and sensory room. | Map | |
19/03744/HSE | Decided Granted | 72 |
Gladeside |
Erection of single storey side/rear extension | Map | |
24/00260/HSE | Decided Granted | 72 |
Gladeside |
Erection of single storey side/rear wraparound extension (following demolition of existing). | Map | |
19/03737/HSE | Decided Granted | 77 |
Gladeside |
Alterations and additions to the existing dwelling including a part one part two storey rear addition. | Map | |
21/06102/HSE | Decided Refused | 81 |
Gladeside |
Erection of single-storey rear extension following demolition of an existing conservatory. | Map | |
22/00450/GPDO | Decided Refused | 81 |
Gladeside |
Erection of a single storey rear extension projecting out 4.3 metres from the rear wall of the original house with a height to the eaves of 3 metres and a maximum height of 4 metres | Map | |
22/01194/GPDO | Decided Refused | 81 |
Gladeside |
Erection of a single storey rear extension projecting out 4.3 metres from the rear wall of the original house with a height to the eaves of 3 metres and a maximum height of 4 metres | Map | |
22/01613/HSE | Decided Granted | 81 |
Gladeside |
Erection of a single storey rear extension. | Map | |
18/05579/FUL | Decided Granted | 89B |
Gladeside |
Construction of a 3 bedroom detached dwellinghouse. | Map | |
20/03947/PDO | Decided No Objection | O/S 102 |
Gladeside |
Installation of a 9m wooden pole (7.2m above ground) | Map |