MORA Planning Table

Updated 08/02/2025 at 09:20

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Ref Status Building Street Narrative Notes
24/03937/HSE Decided Granted
Ash Tree Way
Demolition of existing conservatory and erection of a single storey rear extension. Documents 9, Road, Map
Decided Refused
Cheston Avenue
Construction of first floor including front/side extensions with alterations. Comments 5-0-0, Documents 8, Road, Map
24/01091/HSE Decided Granted
Firsby Avenue
Erection of a single storey annexe outbuilding (retrospective) Documents 12, Road, Map
24/04337/HSE Pending Decision
Erection of a single storey side extension. Consultation ends 01/03/2025, Documents 15, Decision deadline 14/03/2025, Road, Map
25/00053/HSE Pending Decision
Greenview Avenue
Erection of single-storey rear extension Consultation ends 14/02/2025, Documents 24, Decision deadline 06/03/2025, Road, Map
24/03363/FUL Pending Decision
Homer Road
Erection of 1no. 1-bedroom 2-person bungalow in rear garden, provision of associated parking and vehicular access from Littlebrook Close, associated boundary treatments and alterations, and provision of pedestrian footway along Littlebrook Close Consultation ended 15/11/2024, Comments 9-0-0, Documents 12, Decision deadline 16/12/2024, Road, Map
24/02781/FUL Pending Decision
Orchard Rise
Demolition of existing dwellings and the construction of 4no. semi-detached dwellings with associated parking, refuse and cycle storage. (Neighbours are notified of the following changes to the proposal, notification under Part B of the application; parking provision increase from 5 to 6 on-site parking spaces; vehicle site lines, swept path analysis and visibility display demonstrated; Confirmati.... Consultation ends 19/02/2025, Comments 47-0-0, Documents 62, Decision deadline 08/10/2024, Road, Map
23/04385/FUL Decided Refused / Appeal Dismissed
Orchard Way
Removal of external staircase and Conversion of public house on ground floor of building to facilitate 1 x 2-bedroom flat and 1 x 3-bedroom flat with integral cycle and waste storage. Comments 6-1-5, Documents 21, Road, Map
24/01879/FUL Decided Withdrawn
Orchard Way
Conversion of public house on ground floor of building to facilitate 1 x 2-bedroom flat and 1 x 3-bedroom flat with integral cycle and waste storage. Comments 21-0-6, Documents 13, Road, Map
Decided Lawful-Refused
Development Site At 176 - 178 Orchard
Orchard Way
Discharge of Conditions 3 (Construction Logistics) and 4 (Drainage) attached to permission 22/05186/FUL for Demolition of existing dwellings, erection of four pairs of two storey 3-bed semi- detached dwellings with roof accommodation with car parking, formation of accesses onto Sloane Walk together with a new pavement and provision of cycle, refuse stores and soft landscaping
24/04172/DISC Pending Decision
Development Site At 176 - 178 Orchard
Orchard Way
Discharge of Condition 5 (Services) attached to permission 22/05186/FUL for Demolition of existing dwellings, erection of four pairs of two storey 3-bed semi- detached dwellings with roof accommodation with car parking, formation of accesses onto Sloane Walk together with a new pavement and provision of cycle, refuse stores and soft landscaping Documents 7, Decision deadline 05/02/2025, Road, Map
Orchard Way
Discharge of Conditions 3 (Construction Logistics) attached to permission 22/05186/FUL for Demolition of existing dwellings, erection of four pairs of two storey 3-bed semi- detached dwellings with roof accommodation with car parking, formation of accesses onto Sloane Walk together with a new pavement and provision of cycle, refuse stores and soft landscaping
Document # changed 3, Decision deadline 03/04/2025, Road, Map
24/01657/HSE Pending Decision
Shirley Avenue
Erection of two storey side, single storey front and single storey rear extensions (Retrospective). Consultation ends 14/02/2025, Documents 20, Decision deadline 03/03/2025, Road, Map
24/03878/LE Pending Decision
Shirley Avenue
Use of dwelling as a small House in Multiple Occupation (HMO). Documents 12, Decision deadline 08/01/2025, Road, Map
Decided Lawful-Accepted
Shirley Road
Certificate of lawfulness (existing) for two outbuildings Documents 9, Road, Map
Decided Granted
The Glade
Details pursuant to Condition no.10 (A detailed surface water drainage scheme) in relation to planning permission 23/04740/FUL for Demolition of existing property and construction of 2 no. 3 bedroom houses and 2 no. 2 bedroom houses in a terrace with parking spaces. Documents 7, Road, Map
24/01924/FUL Pending Decision
159 - 161
The Glade
Demolish two existing bungalows and associated garages to create a combined site of 950 sqm to deliver four family homes with associated parking, gardens and cycle storage, and visitor parking. Consultation ended 11/07/2024, Comments 6-0-0, Documents 48, Committee date 17/10/2024, Decision deadline 29/07/2024, Road, Map
24/02137/FUL Pending Decision
Wickham Road
Change of use of existing shop (Class E use) to a restaurant and bar use together with associated extract ducting. (Amended description) Consultation ended 10/01/2025, Documents 40, Decision deadline 11/12/2024, Road, Map
Wickham Road
Demolition of existing conservatory and erection of a single storey rear extension.
Document # changed 7, Decision deadline 02/04/2025, Road, Map