All Orchard Rise
Ref | Status | Building | Street | Narrative | Notes | |
23/01405/FUL | Decided Withdrawn | 6 |
Orchard Rise |
Host dwelling: Erection of two-storey side return extension, first floor side/rear extension, first floor terrace and second floor side/rear terrace extension with associated works. Alterations to fenestrations; Garden subdivision: Erection of two-storey four-bedroom detached house on land to the rear of No. 6 Orchard Rise, including top floor roof terrace, new vehicular access and crossover from Oakview Grove, car parking and all associated site works. | Map | |
24/02249/HSE | Pending Decision | 6 |
Orchard Rise |
Conversion of existing garage to habitable accommodation, erection of single storey extension to front and a two storey infill extension to the north west corner of the existing dwelling. | Decision deadline 03/09/2024, Map | |
18/06070/FUL | Decided Granted | 9A |
Orchard Rise |
Demolition of the existing house and ancillary office and erection of a two-storey block of 4 flats and 5 three bedroom houses, provision of parking spaces, refuse sorage and cycle stores. | Map | |
19/03633/DISC | Decided Granted | 9A |
Orchard Rise |
Details pursuant to conditions 2 ( external materials), 7 ( land levels), 9 ( Construction logistics plan), 16 (Tree planting and protection), 17 (Rockery protection) of planning permission 18/06070/ful Demolition of the existing house and ancillary office and erection of a two-storey block of 4 flats and 5 three bedroom houses, provision of parking spaces, refuse storage and cycle stores. | Map | |
19/04629/CONR | Decided Granted | 9A |
Orchard Rise |
Variation of Condition 1 ( in accordance with the approved drawings) to approved planning permission ref 18/06070/FUL dated 22/09/2019 for the demolition of the existing house and ancillary office and erection of a two-storey block of 4 flats and 5 three bedroom houses, provision of parking spaces, refuse storage and cycle stores. | Map | |
19/05379/DISC | Decided Granted | 9A |
Orchard Rise |
Details pursuant to Condition 15: Sustainable Drainage Measures - of planning permission 18/06070/ful granted for Demolition of the existing house and ancillary office and erection of a two-storey block of 4 flats and 5 three bedroom houses, provision of parking spaces, refuse sorage and cycle stores. | Map | |
21/04370/GPDO | Decided Lawful-Accepted | 11 |
Orchard Rise |
Erection of single storey rear extension, projecting out 5 metres with maximum height of 3.0 metres | Map | |
21/04094/FUL | Decided Refused / Appeal Dismissed | 27 |
Orchard Rise |
Demolition of an existing house and erection of two semi-detached pairs to provide 4 houses including associated amenity space, landscaping, parking, cycle and refuse storage (Amended plans). | Map | |
L5240/W/23/ 3329465 | Decided Dismissed | 27 |
Orchard Rise |
<Not provided> | Appeal, Map | |
24/02781/FUL | Pending Decision | 27 |
Orchard Rise |
Demolition of existing dwellings and the construction of 4no. semi-detached dwellings with associated parking, refuse and cycle storage. | Decision deadline 08/10/2024, Map | |
20/03513/DISC | Decided Split | Brock Villas 9A |
Orchard Rise |
Details pursuant to conditions 3: a) Hard and soft landscaping, b) Boundary treatment, c) Vehicle site lines, Condition 4: refuse storage, Condition 5: cycle storage facilities, Condition 8: Details of electrical charging points and Condition 14: security lighting in respect to planning permission 18/06070/FUL granted for demolition of the existing house and ancillary office and erection of a two-.... | Map | |
20/06034/DISC | Decided Granted | Brock Villas 9A |
Orchard Rise |
Details pusuant to Condition 10 (Part L compliance 19% CO2 reduction) of planning permission ref 18/06070/FUL Demolition of the existing house and ancillary office and erection of a two-storey block of 4 flats and 5 three bedroom houses, provision of parking spaces, refuse storage and cycle stores | Map | |
21/00067/DISC | Decided Split | Brock Villas 9A |
Orchard Rise |
Details pursuant to conditions 3: a) Hard and soft landscaping, b) Boundary treatment, Condition 4: refuse storage, Condition 5: cycle storage facilities, in respect to planning permission 18/06070/FUL granted for demolition of the existing house and ancillary office and erection of a two-storey block of 4 flats and 5 three bedroom houses, provision of parking spaces, refuse storage and cycle stores | Map |