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Purley & Woodcote Residents' Association



All Furze Hill

Ref Status Building Street Narrative Notes
21/02516/HSE Decided Refused
Furze Hill
Erection of first floor side extension Map
21/05698/CAT Decided No Objection
Furze Hill
Service Berry (T1) - FellConifers (G1) - To reduce in height by 4 metresConifers (G2) - To reduce by 2 metresThuja Plicata (T2) - To reduce height by 3.5 metresBeech (T3) - Crown reduce by 2.5 metres Map
20/03270/HSE Decided Refused
Furze Hill
Demolition of the existing north wing and the erection of a three-storey side extension, two-storey rear extension, rear facade and roof alterations and all associated works to provide additional residential accommodation to 4 Furze Hill. Map
21/06254/HSE Decided Granted
Furze Hill
Partial demolition of the existing north wing and the erection of a three-storey side extension, two-storey rear extension, rear facade and roof alterations with other associated alterations. Map
21/05699/TRE Decided Granted
Furze Hill
T1 and T2 - Beech - Reduce lateral branches over neighbour's driveway back to previous pruning points. (TPO 1 ,1976) Map
23/01163/TRE Decided Granted
Furze Hill
T1 - T4 beech trees to carry out a lateral reduction 2.5-3 metre reduction. (TPO 1, 1976) Map
21/06371/HSE Decided Granted
Furze Hill
Erection of swimming pool and single storey rear extension to adjoin main dwellinghouse. Erection of single storey side/front extension to replace existing garage space. Erection of conservatory at side of dwellinghouse to replace existing conservatory. Map
23/03189/CAT Decided No Objection
Furze Hill
Please see reports submitted - identifying the proposed works Map
19/00487/TRE Decided Withdrawn
Furze Hill
T1 - Yew - To fell and grind out stumpReasons - Please see clients reasons attached Map
19/00823/TRE Decided Granted
Furze Hill
1. Yew - To reduce crown by 1m plus raise by 1m and remove dead wood(TPO no. 29, 2002) Map
19/01100/CAT Decided No Objection
Furze Hill
2. Mountain Ash - To fell and grind out stump. 3. Judas - To fell and gring out stump - Insufficient space for development of adjacent Prunus and Liquid Amber. The client would like to plant 3 new trees listed below: NP1 - Prunus Accolade NP2 - Prunus Avium 'Plena'NP3 - Cercis Silliquastrum Map
21/01380/TRE Decided Granted
Furze Hill
T4. Acacia: Fell, T5 2 x Yew - Crown Raise to 1m high from base of stem (max cut size of 25mm).(TPO NO. 29, 2002) Map
21/05907/CAT Decided No Objection
Furze Hill
T1 Prunus: Fell Map
22/04971/CAT Decided No Objection
Furze Hill
T1 - Cherry - To fell T2 - Fir - To Fell and grind out stump T3 - Rowan - To Fell and grind out stump Map
24/00922/CAT Decided No Objection
Furze Hill
1, Yew - To crown raise to 4m and remove trunk epicormic shoots. 2, Liquid Amber - To crown thin by 20% / formative prune and remove crossing branches. 3, Ginko - To crown thin by 20% / formative prune and remove crossing branches. 6, Beech - To reduce crown height and radius by 2.5m. 7, Beech - To reduce overall by 2.5m and crown clean. 8, Horse Chestnut - To reduce overall by 1-1.5m 9,Persian Ir.... Map
20/00975/CAT Decided No Objection
Furze Hill
Conifer (T1) Rear garden fell as close to ground level as possible and grind out stump 6-9inches below ground level. Low amenity value. lack of light into surrounding area. replant with better specimen. Map
20/03870/HSE Decided Withdrawn
Furze Hill
Excavation of the existing garden to allow for a 11m (long) x 4m (wide) and 1.2m to 1.8m deep external swimming pool. Map
20/05840/LP Decided Lawful-Accepted
Furze Hill
Proposed new swimming pool. Map
21/02416/CAT Decided No Objection
Furze Hill
T1& T2: x2 cherry laurels reduce height by 50%. T3: x1 conifer reduce height by 50%. T4x1 conifer reduce height by 50%. T5: x1 plum reduce height by 50%. Map
23/02217/CAT Decided No Objection
Furze Hill
T1 Conifer - Fell Map
23/03718/CAT Decided No Objection
Furze Hill
T1 Sycamore - (EXEMPT WORKS) G1 - Conifer Group (cypresses x leylandi) - reduce in height by approximately 4 metres, trim and shape sides to create a neat uniform hedgerow G2 - Conifer Group (cypresses x leylandi) - reduce in height by approximately 4 metres, trim and shape sides to create a neat uniform hedgerow Map
23/00821/CAT Decided No Objection
Furze Hill
T1 Sycamore - reduce crown by 2 metres. T2 Sycamore - reduce over extended lateral branches by 2 metres Map
20/05989/CAT Decided No Objection
Furze Hill
T1 Holly - Fell, T4 Holly - Fell, T5 Sycamore - Fell, T6 Laurel - Fell, T9 Holly - Fell, T10 - T26 Laurel - Fell, T27 Fir - Fell, T29 Holly - Fell, T33 Beech - Fell, T34 Beech - Fell, T35 Fir - Fell T37 Fir - Fell. Map
21/03170/CAT Decided No Objection
Furze Hill
There are 11 trees in a small space of garden, many are self-seeded & crowded/twisted. The plan is to remove the worst ones to leave the best specimens uncrowded & able to thrive. Map
20/03736/HSE Decided Refused
Merlewood 5A
Furze Hill
Alterations, new gates/piers to accesses, removal of trees to provide a wider access, erection of single storey side and rear extension with patio area with balustrading and steps, erection of first floor side extension, enlarged roof, loft conversion and dormer extensions on the front and rear roof slopes and roof canopies at front and rear. Map
21/00138/PRE Decided
Merlewood 5A
Furze Hill
Alterations, new gates / piers to accesses, removal of trees to provide a wider access. To erect a single storey side and rear extension with patio area with balustrading and steps. To erect a first floor side extension, enlarged roof canapies to front and rear. Map
21/04228/HSE Decided Granted
Merlewood 5A
Furze Hill
Alterations, erection of single storey side and single/two storey rear extensions with patio area with balustrading and steps, erection of first floor side extension, enlarged roof, loft conversion and dormer extensions on the front and rear roof slopes and roof canopies at front, side and rear. Map
22/00291/HSE Decided Granted
Merlewood 5A
Furze Hill
Alterations, erection of single storey side and single/two storey rear extensions with patio area with balustrading and steps, erection of first floor side extension, enlarged roof, loft conversion and dormer extensions on the front and rear roof slopes and roof canopies at front, side and rear, installation of gates/piers to vehicular accesses Map
21/05731/HSE Decided Granted
Oakwood House 2
Furze Hill
Ground and first floor extension to existing dwelling and related landscaping Map
23/01161/TRE Decided Granted
Robinwood 5
Furze Hill
T1 - Beech to be lateraley reduced over garden and patio by 2-3m. Crown thin by 10%,crown lift to 4 meters. T2-T7 Beech to be crown thinned by 10%, crown lifted to 4 meters. T8 - Large Oak tree to reduce the overall size of the crown by 2m. T9 Dead yew to carefully fell to ground level (TPO 1, 1976) Map