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Purley & Woodcote Residents' Association



All Hamilton Close

Ref Status Building Street Narrative Notes
20/04157/TRE Decided Granted
Hamilton Close
Left hand side of house near rear boundaryT1 - OakRemove epicormic growth up to crown break. Remove 3x secondary limbs overhanging Garage roof reduce back remainder of overhang from edge of garage roof to edge of Garage line retaining healthy growth. Remove major dead and diseased wood 25mm in diameter and over.. The tree is located to the side of the garage area by the boundary fence. R.... Map
19/01685/TRE Decided Withdrawn
Hamilton Close
Front garden1 x Ash - Reduce crown by 2.5m leaving 3m (previous reduction points) raise crown to 3m to remove lower branches over driveOngoing maintenance Map
21/00893/TRE Decided Granted
Hamilton Close
T1 - Maple, Fell as close to ground level as possible. T2 - Cherry, Reduce length of all branches by up to 1.8-2 metres ensuring natural shape. T3 - Decayed Thorn, Fell as close to ground level as possible.(TPO NO.21 1974) Map