All Martin Close

Ref Status Building Street Narrative Notes
20/00964/TRE Decided Refused
Martin Close
Cherries (T1 & T2) - fell due to residents concerns about surface roots damaging the driveway further, and potential damage to the adjacent public footpath.(TPO no. 16, 1971) Map
20/02102/TRE Decided Granted
Martin Close
T1 and T2 x2 Cherries crown reduce by 1 - 2m to reduce encroachment onto the house.(TPO no 16, 1971) Map
19/01707/HSE Decided Granted
Martin Close
Alterations, erection of a single storey side and rear extension Map
21/00978/HSE Decided Granted
Martin Close
Alterations including the enlargement of the existing garage and conversion to a habitable room. Map
21/02889/HSE Decided Granted
Martin Close
Demolition of existing garage and erection of single storey side including changes to ground level. Map