SRA Planning Table

Updated 11/01/2025 at 08:43

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Ref Status Building Street Narrative Notes
Decided Granted
Addington Road
Discharge of condition 4 (construction logistics plan) of application 24/01926/GPDO (Change of use of the upper floors from (Class E) offices (ancillary to the ground floor retail use which is to remain) to residential (Use Class C3) at first and second floor in the form of 2 flats. Application for Prior Approval pursuant to Class MA of Part 3 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted De....
Narrative updated, Document # changed 4, Road, Map
Pending Decision
198 - 200
Addington Road
Installation of replacement shopfront, creation of new lightwell with access to communal walkway at first floor level, installation of replacement windows and doors and balconies to rear elevation, resurfacing of rear driveway (with permeable paving) and associated works. Consultation ends 31/01/2025, Documents 20, Decision deadline 24/02/2025, Road, Map
Pending Decision
198 - 200
Addington Road
Change of use of part ground floor and whole lower ground floor from Commercial, Business and Service use (Class E) to residential dwelling (Class C3) for 4 self-contained residential flats (2 nos. 1-bed 1-person studio flats and 2 nos. 1-bed 2-person flats) under Schedule 2, Part 3, Class MA of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended). Consultation ends 31/01/2025, Documents 18, Decision deadline 05/02/2025, Road, Map
24/03509/FUL Pending Decision
Garage To The Rear Of 249 Addington
Addington Road
Erection of single storey garage. Consultation ended 20/12/2024, Documents 7, Decision deadline 23/12/2024, Road, Map
24/03088/HSE Decided Granted
Courtlands Close
Demolition of the existing conservatory and erection of a single storey rear extension. Comments 1-0-0, Documents 12, Road, Map
Elmpark Gardens
Discharge of Conditions 4 (External Materials), 5 (SUDS), 6 (Landscaping), Condition 7 (Refuse Storage), 8 (Cycle Storage) and 9 (Electric Vehicle Charging Point) attached to permission 23/03417/FUL for Erection of a new single storey dwelling following demolition of existing garage with associated parking, garden amenity, cycle and refuse storage Documents 16, Decision deadline 13/02/2025, Road, Map
24/03683/HSE Pending Decision
Elmpark Gardens
Demolition and erection of a single storey rear extension Consultation ended 19/12/2024, Comments 6-0-0, Documents 7, Decision deadline 21/01/2025, Road, Map
24/02691/HSE Pending Decision
Farley Road
Erection of a single storey rear extension, two storey side extension and single storey front extension. Erection of hip to gable enlargement and dormer extension to rear roof slope. Installation of AC units to the side elevation. Enlargement of existing patio and erection of retaining wall. (Retrospective) Consultation ended 24/10/2024, Comments 1-0-0, Documents 11, Decision deadline 20/11/2024, Road, Map
24/03725/TRE Pending Decision
Kersey Drive
T1 English Oak: Reduce the lateral limb that protrudes over the house by 2m, raise the lower epicormic growth to 4m measured from ground level. (TPO no. 104) Documents 5, Decision deadline 31/12/2024, Road, Map
24/03793/TRE Pending Decision
Kingswood Way
T1 - Hornbeam - 2 metre canopy reduction. To improve health of the tree T2 - Hornbeam - 1.5 metre canopy reduction. To improve health of tree T3 - Sycamore - 2.5 metre cut back of lateral branches growing towards patio and house, due to leaves becoming a slip hazard and branches interferring with roof. (TPO 19, 1972) Documents 6, Decision deadline 02/01/2025, Road, Map
24/03054/HSE Decided Granted
Littleheath Road
Erection of two storey side/rear extension, single storey front extension and single storey rear extension. Rear garden ground works to include the formation of a new patio and new grassed lawn area, to include retaining walls. (Amended plans and description) Documents 22, Road, Map
24/04078/GPDO Pending Decision
Norfolk Avenue
Erection of single storey rear extension projecting out 5.5 metres with a maximum height of 3.5 metres Consultation ended 26/12/2024, Documents 3, Decision deadline 14/01/2025, Road, Map
24/03951/DISC Pending Decision
Development Site Former Site Of 119 Old
Old Farleigh Road
Discharge of condition 4 (Cycle and Refuse Details) attached to planning permission REF: 22/03538/CONR for the Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) attached to planning permission 20/01470/FUL for the demolition of existing bungalow and erect a terrace of 3 x three bedroom houses with shared access and drive way using the existing entrance from Old Farleigh Road and 2 x one bedroom house to t.... Documents 3, Decision deadline 14/01/2025, Road, Map
Quail Gardens
Demolition of existing property and the erection of 7no. dwellings with shared access from Quail Gardens, along with amenity space, drainage, infrastructure and other associated works (Section 73 application for variation of condition 2 (in accordance with drawings) of planning permisison ref 23/00454/FUL granted 03/08/2023. (Further explanation not forming part of the formal description of develo....
Consultation ends 30/01/2025, Document # changed 2, Decision deadline 17/02/2025, Road, Map
24/01810/OUT Pending Decision
Suffield Close
Outline Planning Application (all matters reserved) for the Erection of a detached two storey, four bedroom dwellinghouse, along with the demolition of existing single storey side conservatory on the main dwellinghouse (to be retained) (Amended Description) Consultation ended 27/12/2024, Comments 97-0-1, Documents 15, Decision deadline 01/08/2024, Road, Map
L5240/C/23/ 3326165 Pending Decision
Sundale Avenue
<Not provided> Appeal, Consultation ended 02/01/2024, Road, Map
24/03714/NMA Decided Granted
Sylvan Close
Non-material amendment to planning application 24/01264/HSE to insert two small windows to garage on side elevation - high level with obscured glass. Insertion of one window to bedroom side elevation and fitted with obscured glass. Change casement window to oriel window to bedroom front elevation, to match existing. Insert two doors to side elevation for hall and utility room. Insert one window to ground floor shower room, side elevation. Documents 4, Road, Map
24/03927/LP Decided Lawful-Accepted
Wyncote Way
Erection of hip to gable and rear dormer, installation of two side windows at gable end, installation of two skylights at front roof slope, removal of side window, flue and chimney. Documents 7, Road, Map