All Suffield Close

Ref Status Building Street Narrative Notes
19/01742/TRE Decided Granted
Suffield Close
Crown lift T1: Oak to 5 metres from Ground Level. (TPO no. 104) Map
19/01186/TRE Decided Granted
6 Kersey Drive South Croydon
Suffield Close
T1: Eucalyptus - Fell.(TPO no. 104) Map
21/04727/TRE Decided Granted
6 Kersey Drive South Croydon
Suffield Close
T1 Cherry - Reduce crown by 2m and thin crown by 10%. T2 Elder Flower - Reduce back to previous cut points by approx 2-3m, leaving privacy screen. (TPO 104) Map
22/01371/FUL Decided Refused
Suffield Close
Demolition of a single-family dwelling and erection of 6 dwellinghouses containing 2x 4-bed, 3x 3-bed and 1x 2-bed houses with associated access, car parking spaces, cycle and refuse storage (Amended plans). Map
20/05587/TRE Decided Granted
Suffield Close
T1. Scots Pine. Reduce front face and side lateral branches by 1-1.5m. Reduce co-dominant stems in height by 1.5-2m.(TPO 104) Map
19/03026/TRE Decided Granted
8 Kersey Drive South Croydon
Suffield Close
To remove two large branches of a Maple tree which overhang into our garden and are nearly touching our roof. (TPO no 104) Map
21/04400/TRE Decided Granted
8 Kersey Drive South Croydon
Suffield Close
T1 Sycamore - Crown reduction of 2 metres up to a max cut size of 25mm (TPO 104) Map
21/05268/TRE Decided Granted
Suffield Close
G1 - 3 x Silver Birch - Reduce crowns of trees back to previous cut points, by approx 3-4m to maintain reasonable size and allow for more light T1 Acacia - Reduce crown by 3m to previous cut points to clear the roof and reduce overall size (TPO 104) Map
21/04730/TRE Decided Granted
Suffield Close
G2 - 3 x Acacia - Reduce tops of trees back to previous cut points, by approx 3-4m (TPO 104) Map
20/02068/TRE Decided Granted
Suffield Close
T1 Sycamore - Repollard back to previous original pollard points. T2 and T3 Silver Birch - overall crown reductions of 1m. (TPO no.104) Map
22/00728/FUL Decided Refused
Suffield Close
Erection of a two storey detached dwellinghouse, with associated works Map
20/03390/TRE Decided Granted
Suffield Close
Cypress - To reduce by 3-4m in height.Birch - To crown reduce by 30% and to crown thin by 10%(TPO 104) Map
23/03686/CAT Decided Refused
Suffield Close
T1 - Ash - to fell as the tree is getting quite big and dominating the garden also quite close to property, also sheds a lot of dead branches Map
23/04339/TRE Decided Granted
Suffield Close
T1-Ash - to reduce crown by 1.5m. (TPO 104) Map
19/04189/TRE Decided Granted
19 Kersey Drive South Croydon
Suffield Close
T1: Common Beech - Fell due to compromised mainstem. (TPO no. 104) Map
20/05093/TRE Decided Refused
Suffield Close
T1. Common Beech. fell.(TPO no. 104)Due to excessive levels of bird guano on the underlying patio and into the neighbouring garden of, 2 Kersey drive. In both areas This is presenting a health hazard to the occupants and young grandchildren and young child at 2 Kersey Drive, who cannot use the underlying play area.Anti bird spikes have been fitted in the tree but to no avail. occupants are willing to re-plant with a similar species of tree. Map
23/00126/TRE Decided Withdrawn
Suffield Close
T1 - Common Beech: Fell (TPO 104) Map
23/02381/TRE Decided Granted
Suffield Close
T1. Common Beech. 2 metre crown reduction (TPO 104) Map
23/01539/TRE Decided Granted
Suffield Close
T1. Common Beech. Reduce the front face, laterally by 2m along with the height and side lateral branches. (TPO No. 104) Map
23/01715/TRE Decided Granted
Suffield Close
T2. Common Ash - Fell due to compromised mainstem, historic wounds at base of stem, decay/bark death. Also, the presence of "Ash die-back" in the upper crown. (TPO 104) Map