DemoRA(Bronze) Planning Table

Updated 25/01/2025 at 09:11

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Ref Status Building Street Narrative Notes
24/02809/PRE Decided
Hawkhirst Road
Part demolition of dwelling and out-buildings, erection of single/two storey front/side/rear extensions, part first floor rear extension and removal of chimney stack, loft conversion and extension with rear dormer windows and Velux windows Map
24/04269/HSE Pending Decision
Hawkhurst 21
Hawkhirst Road
Part demolition of dwelling and outbuildings: alterations, erection of single/two storey front extension including porch, single storey side extensions, single/two storey rear extension, enlargement of roof to include a half hip roof, increase in height of roof and dormer extension on the rear roof slope Consultation ended 12/01/2025, Map
24/04039/DISC Decided Granted
Higher Drive
Submission of details pursuant to condition 12A (cycle storage) pursuant to application ref: 21/04358/FUL dated 06/07/22 for Demolition of existing house and erection of a 3-4 storey block comprising 9 flats with 9 car parking spaces and associated landscaping. Map
24/04151/HSE New
Hilltop Road
Alterations including alterations at rear including retaining walls and steps, erection of single storey side/rear extension Consultation ends 08/02/2025, Map
24/01338/FUL Pending Decision
Kenley Lane
Conversion of existing detached dwelling into 2 no. semi-detached dwellings. Erection of two-storey rear/side extensions to both sides and erection of 2 dormer windows to rear roof slope. Erection of a new build detached dwelling in the rear garden plot with associated amenity space, car parking, cycle parking and refuse storage. Alterations to land levels. Consultation ended 15/06/2024, Map
24/03517/HSE Pending Decision
Somerton Close
Formation of vehicular access, driveway and associated landscaping. Alterations include changes to land levels and boundary treatments (part retrospective) Consultation ends 06/02/2025, Map
24/03969/HSE Pending Decision
Lyncroft 35
Valley Road
Erection of single storey rear extension. Consultation ends 01/02/2025, Map
24/01004/HSE Decided Refused / Pending Appeal
Zig Zag Road
Proposed ground and first floor extensions, to include raising the ridge height, and associated external works. Map
L5240/D/24/ 3352477 Pending Decision
Zig Zag Road
<Not provided> Appeal, Map