DemoRA(Bronze) Planning Table

Updated 29/03/2024 at 11:45

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Ref Status Building Street Narrative Notes
24/00633/HSE Pending Decision
4 Foxley Lodge
Dale Road
Demolition of existing rear conservatory and erection of a single storey rear extension. Consultation ends 04/04/2024, Map
24/00217/HSE Decided Granted
The View 16
Hornchurch Hill
Alterations to existing boundary treatment to include the insertion of a gate Map
23/04596/FUL Decided Granted
16 - 18
Park Road
Two-storey rear extension and refurbishment of 16-18 Park Road; erection of 3 pairs of semi-detached houses (net gain of 6 residential units); creation of new vehicular access (and closure of existing), provision of parking bays, cycle and bin storage and associated landscaping. Map
23/02678/DISC Decided Granted
Somerton Close
Discharge of conditions 3 (various), 4 (landscaping), 9 (CLP), 10 (bike storage/evcp), 11 (water butt) attached to planning permission 20/00999/FUL for Erection of detached 3 bedroom house adjacent to 14 Somerton Close with associated bin and cycle stores, alterations, formation of vehicular access and provision of 1 parking space for host house and vehicular access and provision of 1 parking space for proposed house. Map
23/04453/FUL Pending Decision
Valley Road
Demolition of the existing dwelling and the erection of three storey building containing 5 flats (2 x 1-bedroom, 1x2 bedroom and 2x3 bedroom) with associated access, parking, amenity / play space and landscaping. Consultation ends 03/04/2024, Map
23/04185/HSE Pending Decision
Valley Road
Retention of existing front steps / altered land levels, raised rear patio and shed at lower ground level Consultation ended 15/03/2024, Map