All Abbots Lane
Ref | Status | Building | Street | Narrative | Notes | |
22/03282/FUL | Decided Refused / Appeal Dismissed | 2 |
Abbots Lane |
Demolition of existing detached dwelling and redevelopment of the site to provide 6 new dwellings, with associated landscaping, refuse storage, cycle and car parking provision | Map | |
L5240/W/23/ 3321427 | Decided Dismissed | 2 |
Abbots Lane |
<Not provided> | Appeal, Map | |
22/00018/DISC | Decided Granted | 8 |
Abbots Lane |
Discharge of condition 6 (Landscape), 7 (Cycle Store), 9 (Section of car park), 11 (EVCP), 12 (Hardstanding) and 15 (SUDS) attached to planning permission 21/01699/FUL for demolition of a single-family dwelling and erection of 4 x 4 storey houses with associated access, parking spaces, cycle storage and refuse store. | Map | |
24/00063/HSE | Decided Granted | 8 |
Abbots Lane |
Erection of single storey outbuilding in the side garden. | Map | |
19/05955/FUL | Decided N/A / Appeal Dismissed | 13 |
Abbots Lane |
Proposed demolition of existing dwelling, erection of a four/five storey building built into the landscape comprising a total of 17 units, with a sub level car park and landscaping | Map | |
L5240/W/21/ 3284035 | Decided Dismissed | 13 |
Abbots Lane |
<not provided> | Appeal, Map | |
23/01423/FUL | Decided Granted | Land To The South Of 13 Abbots |
Abbots Lane |
Erection of a 2 storey detached house with off street parking spaces and bin and bikes stores on a raised platform at the front. | Map | |
23/03196/FUL | Decided Granted | Land South Of 13 |
Abbots Lane |
Erection of a pair of two storey, 3-bedroom semi-detached houses on land to the South of 13 Abbots Lane, with pedestrian access, car parking and refuse storage. | Map | |
23/04665/CONR | Decided Granted | Land South Of 13 |
Abbots Lane |
Variation of condition number 2 (drawings numbers) and 4 (parking, cycle and refuse) attached to planning permission ref. 23/03196/FUL (Erection of a pair of two storey, 3-bedroom semi-detached houses on land to the South of 13 Abbots Lane, with pedestrian access, car parking and refuse storage). | Map | |
24/01754/DISC | Decided Lawful-Refused | Land South Of 13 |
Abbots Lane |
Discharge of condition numbers 3 (materials), 5 (surface water management) and 6 (landscaping) attached to planning permission ref. 23/04665/CONR (Erection of a pair of two storey, 3-bedroom semi-detached houses on land to the South of 13 Abbots Lane, with pedestrian access, car parking and refuse storage). | Map | |
24/02943/DISC | Decided Granted | Land South Of 13 |
Abbots Lane |
Discharge of condition numbers 3 (materials), 5 (surface water management) and 6 (landscaping) attached to planning permission ref. 23/04665/CONR (Erection of a pair of two storey, 3-bedroom semi-detached houses on land to the South of 13 Abbots Lane, with pedestrian access, car parking and refuse storage). | Map | |
22/01140/FUL | Decided N/A / Appeal Dismissed | 17 |
Abbots Lane |
Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of a part 3, part 6 storey residential building accommodating 15 flats with associated access, car parking and landscaping. | Map | |
L5240/W/22/ 3303688 | Decided Dismissed | 17 |
Abbots Lane |
<Not provided> | Appeal, Map | |
24/03581/HSE | Pending Decision | 23 |
Abbots Lane |
Erection of a replacement front dormer. | Map | |
24/03410/HSE | Pending Decision | 43 |
Abbots Lane |
Alterations including the erection of an additional storey and erection of two storey front, side and rear extensions, and demolition of the existing garage to the front of the site and alterations to the land levels. | Map | |
23/00024/DISC | Decided Lawful-Refused | 44 |
Abbots Lane |
Discharge of condition 2 (materials) and condition 7 (construction method statement) of 19/04071/FUL for the erection of detached chalet bungalow at rear, formation of vehicular access and provision of associated parking. | Map | |
23/00319/DISC | Decided Withdrawn | Land At 44 |
Abbots Lane |
23/00883/FUL | Decided Granted | Land At 44 |
Abbots Lane |
Erection of a detached dwelling, formation of vehicular access and associated parking | Map | |
22/03274/NMA | Decided Granted | 49A |
Abbots Lane |
Non Material Amendment to permission 20/03831/HSE (Appeal APP/L5240/D/20/3264671) for 'Conversion of double garage to habitable room; erection of a first-floor side extension with habitable roof space; erection of a single-storey rear extension'. The variation is to increase the size of the rear lower ground floor glazed doors. | Map | |
23/01090/FUL | Decided Granted | 51 |
Abbots Lane |
Retrospective application for the erection of three bedroom detached dwelling with associated landscaping and parking provision (previously granted under ref. 19/00326/FUL). Amendments to parking and landscaping. | Map |