DemoRA(Gold) Planning Table

Updated 25/01/2025 at 09:11

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Ref Status Building Street Narrative Notes
Land South Of 13
Abbots Lane
Details pursuant to the discharge of condition 6 (landscaping plan) attached to planning permission ref. 23/04665/CONR for Variation of condition number 2 (drawings numbers) and 4 (parking, cycle and refuse) attached to planning permission ref. 23/03196/FUL (Erection of a pair of two storey, 3-bedroom semi-detached houses on land to the South of 13 Abbots Lane, with pedestrian access, car parking and refuse storage). Documents 2, Road, Map
24/03581/HSE Pending Decision
Abbots Lane
Erection of a replacement front dormer. Consultation ended 06/12/2024, Documents 9, Road, Map
24/03410/HSE Pending Decision
Abbots Lane
Alterations including the erection of an additional storey and erection of two storey front, side and rear extensions, and demolition of the existing garage to the front of the site and alterations to the land levels. Consultation ended 01/01/2025, Comments 2, Documents 16, Road, Map
24/00258/FUL Pending Decision
Cedar Walk
Demolition of existing garage, formation of vehicular access from Cedar Walk to facilitate the erection of four (4) semi-detached dwellings with associated car parking and soft and hard landscaping. Consultation ended 02/05/2024, Comments 36, Documents 37, Outside of main area, Map
24/02809/PRE Decided
Hawkhirst Road
Part demolition of dwelling and out-buildings, erection of single/two storey front/side/rear extensions, part first floor rear extension and removal of chimney stack, loft conversion and extension with rear dormer windows and Velux windows Road, Map
24/04269/HSE Pending Decision
Hawkhurst 21
Hawkhirst Road
Part demolition of dwelling and outbuildings: alterations, erection of single/two storey front extension including porch, single storey side extensions, single/two storey rear extension, enlargement of roof to include a half hip roof, increase in height of roof and dormer extension on the rear roof slope Consultation ended 12/01/2025, Comments 2, Documents 11, Road, Map
Decided Granted
Higher Drive
Submission of details pursuant to condition 12A (cycle storage) pursuant to application ref: 21/04358/FUL dated 06/07/22 for Demolition of existing house and erection of a 3-4 storey block comprising 9 flats with 9 car parking spaces and associated landscaping. Documents 9, Road, Map
Hilltop Road
Alterations including alterations at rear including retaining walls and steps, erection of single storey side/rear extension Consultation ends 08/02/2025, Documents 9, Road, Map
24/01338/FUL Pending Decision
Kenley Lane
Conversion of existing detached dwelling into 2 no. semi-detached dwellings. Erection of two-storey rear/side extensions to both sides and erection of 2 dormer windows to rear roof slope. Erection of a new build detached dwelling in the rear garden plot with associated amenity space, car parking, cycle parking and refuse storage. Alterations to land levels. Consultation ended 15/06/2024, Comments 14, Documents 57, Road, Map
24/04091/HSE Pending Decision
Lovelock Close
Loft conversion includes the erection of three front dormers and two rear dormers and associated alterations Consultation ended 02/01/2025, Documents 6, Road, Map
Pending Decision
Somerton Close
Formation of vehicular access, driveway and associated landscaping. Alterations include changes to land levels and boundary treatments (part retrospective) Consultation ends 06/02/2025, Comments 1, Documents 9, Road, Map
24/03969/HSE Pending Decision
Lyncroft 35
Valley Road
Erection of single storey rear extension. Consultation ends 01/02/2025, Documents 12, Road, Map
23/01135/FUL Pending Decision
Land R/o 90
Welcomes Road
Retrospective Application for the erection of 3 dwellings on hard surface tennis court Consultation ended 29/04/2023, Comments 6, Documents 15, Road, Map
24/01004/HSE Decided Refused / Pending Appeal
Zig Zag Road
Proposed ground and first floor extensions, to include raising the ridge height, and associated external works. Comments 13, Documents 17, Road, Map
L5240/D/24/ 3352477 Pending Decision
Zig Zag Road
<Not provided> Appeal, Road, Map