All Welcomes Road

Ref Status Building Street Narrative Notes
22/05131/HSE Decided Granted
Welcomes Road
Alterations. Erection of two-storey front extension. Erection of single storey rear/side extension (following demolition of existing rear additions). Replacement of flat roof to existing attached garage with pitched roof. Replacement of existing roof tiles with slate. Map
22/02961/CONR Decided Withdrawn
Welcomes Road
Variation of condition 2 (approved drawings and documents) attached to planning permission 20/05181/FUL for the erection of 3 dwellings to allow following amendments: gable ended roof finishes, omission of front balconies, enlargement of front lightwells, insertion of 6 x roof lights above the roof tops, 3 x front dormer windows, 3 x front roof lights, 6 x rear roof lights 3 x front gable features.... Map
23/01135/FUL Pending Decision
Land R/o 90
Welcomes Road
Retrospective Application for the erection of 3 dwellings on hard surface tennis court Map
22/04936/NMA Decided Lawful-Refused
Welcomes Road
Non material amendment to planning permission ref. 20/04032/FUL for the erection of a proposed detached two bedroom to the rear of 102 Welcomes Road fronting Uplands Road. The application is to for the following amendments:- lowering of main roof, removal of roof gable, alterations to side glazing, internal alterations to 1st floor and a new velux window to roof scape Map
23/00347/FUL Decided Granted
Welcomes Road
New dwelling with new access, refuse and cycle storage located in the garden of 102 Welcomes Road Map