DemoRA(Silver) Planning Table
Updated 14/09/2024 at 09:04
Ref | Status | Building | Street | Narrative | Notes | |
24/02943/DISC | New |
13 |
Abbots Lane |
Discharge of condition numbers 3 (materials), 5 (surface water management) and 6 (landscaping) attached to planning permission ref. 23/04665/CONR (Erection of a pair of two storey, 3-bedroom semi-detached houses on land to the South of 13 Abbots Lane, with pedestrian access, car parking and refuse storage). | Map | |
24/01596/HSE | Pending Decision | 80 |
Beverley Road |
Single storey rear extension | Consultation ends 19/09/2024, Map | |
24/00258/FUL | Pending Decision | 8 |
Cedar Walk |
Demolition of existing garage, formation of vehicular access from Cedar Walk to facilitate the erection of four (4) semi-detached dwellings with associated car parking and soft and hard landscaping. | Consultation ended 02/05/2024, Comments 36, Outside of main area, Map | |
24/02383/HSE | Decided Granted |
190 |
Hayes Lane |
Demolition of garage and erection of a single storey side and rear extension. | Map | |
24/02833/DISC | Pending Decision | 98 |
Higher Drive |
Submission of details pursuant to condition 12A (cycle storage) attached to permission ref: 21/04358/FUL dated 11.05.2022 for the Demolition of existing house and erection of a 3-4 storey block comprising 9 flats with 9 car parking spaces and associated landscaping. | Map | |
24/01338/FUL | Pending Decision | 2 |
Kenley Lane |
Conversion of existing detached dwelling into 2 no. semi-detached dwellings. Erection of two-storey rear/side extensions to both sides and erection of 2 dormer windows to rear roof slope. Erection of a new build detached dwelling in the rear garden plot with associated amenity space, car parking, cycle parking and refuse storage. Alterations to land levels. | Consultation ended 15/06/2024, Comments 13, Map | |
24/02968/HSE | New |
2 |
Lovelock Close |
Loft conversion including the erection of three dormers to the front roofslope and a dormer to the rear roofslope. | Map | |
24/02972/LP | New |
14 |
Somerton Close |
Change of use from a single family dwelling (Use Class C3) to a Children's Home (Use Class C2) for a maximum of 2 children (aged between 7-18). | Map | |
23/01135/FUL | Pending Decision | Land R/o 90 |
Welcomes Road |
Retrospective Application for the erection of 3 dwellings on hard surface tennis court | Consultation ended 29/04/2023, Comments 6, Map |